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Never Again

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Never Again?
The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism

by Abraham H. Foxman
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Never Again?: The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism
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Never Again: The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism

"In this book, written with understandable urgency, Foxman concentrates on the peril of anti-Semitism today. Having devoted most of his adult life to the defense of Jews and other minorities, often against the same slanderers and practitioners of violence, his credentials are impeccable."
-- from the Foreword by Elie Wiesel

"Foxman reminds us that vigilance is essential to protect our communities from nightmarish futures which are all too possible."
--Former Senator Bill Bradley

"Foxman confronts a subtle and disturbing trend with objectivity, meticulous research and clarity."
--Dr. Henry Kissinger

"In this passionate and important book Abraham Foxman makes it clear why a vigilant rejection of anti-Semitism must still inform the agenda for all who care for justice
-- James Carroll, author of Constantine's Sword

Today, when some people are emboldened to equate the Star of David with the Nazi swastika and write things like "Nazi Jews out of U.S. and Palestine" in downtown Washington, it is clear that what Foxman calls "perhaps the most enduring form of group hatred known to human history" is alive and well. And that makes Foxman's ... (book) both timely and important."
-- Martin Kimel, Legal Times, June 7, 2004

"Never Again? has an urgent, alarmist tone, which is understandable given its frightening message. If only a similar insistent warning had been available and widely disseminated before World War II."
-- The Miami Herald, February 1, 2004

"No one can argue with the author's thesis that anti-Semitism is bubbling throughout the world in ways we couldn't have thought possible after the horrors of the Holocaust. ... The exclamation "Never Again!" uttered as a post-Holocaust prayer has earned the question mark in this book. Never Again? requires answers, demanding both diligence and documentation. Abraham Foxman has provided both."
-- The Washington Times, January 11, 2004

"Abraham Foxman proceeds to construct an airtight case... Wherever Foxman looks in the world, he sees examples of the problem, emerging along every point on the political spectrum. ... Few would refute the power and truth behind Foxman's argument in Never Again? "
-- New York Times Book Review, November 30, 2003.

"Abraham Foxman's Never Again? The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism masterfully documents the message that anti-Semitism is everybody's problem."
-- Ethics Daily.com: Book review by John Ewing Roberts, November 20, 2003

"Abraham Foxman ... writes at the outset of his new book Never Again? -- note that the statement has become a question -- that recent "positive trends are moving in reverse." ... It is no longer alarmist to point out these dangers and encourage fair and thoughtful people everywhere to do the same."
-- The Jewish Week, October 24, 2003

"His thesis, well documented here, is that we are seeing a new eruption of the oldest hatred. ... through years of covering Mr. Foxman for a number of newspapers, I have observed that, while he is a brilliant man, he is not primarily an intellectual. He is a cop, and a great one. He could be warmly caricatured as a flat-foot, pacing the beat and swinging his metaphorical nightstick."
-- "Abraham Foxman's Finest Hour," The New York Sun, October 21, 2003

"Among potential threats -- which include both a rise in open anti-Semitism around the world attitudes of hostility toward Jews -- Foxman identifies attitudes that arise from 'discredited theologies' such as 'particularist views on religion.' ... Foxman denounces efforts to targeted Jewish persons for evangelism, citing Southern Baptists in particular."
-- "Jewish Leader Decries "Particularist' Religious Claims," Ethics Daily.com, October 10, 2003

"Foxman presents a frightening tally of hate crimes and hate speech in both Europe and the U.S. With examples at once shocking and predictable, such as the Arab press's caricatures of Israelis based on 'imagery drawn from Nazi propaganda' ... Foxman's enumeration of such cases is frightening and important.
-- Publishers Weekly, September 22, 2003

"At Kent State University, history professor Julio Pino composed a column last year exploring the motives of a Palestinian suicide bomber. ... KSU President Carol Cartwright defended the column as free speech, but Abraham Foxman has a different interpretation. The national director of the Anti-Defamation League points out Pino's essay in Never Again? The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism.
-- Cleveland Plain-Dealer, August 26, 2003

" ... Foxman presents a frightening picture. He illustrates that what has been called the 'longest hatred' may morph into new forms, but it remains as a malignant and potentially deadly virus."
-- Booklist

About the Book

The ongoing war on terror, instability in the Middle East, and a faltering world economy are capturing headlines everywhere. But through it all runs a disturbing current of which many people are only dimly aware.

Anti-Semitism, which had been on the decline worldwide since the end of World War II, has over the past few years made a perilous return. How could the twenty-first century -- the new millennium launched with such optimism just a few short years ago -- have so quickly been marred by the emergence of age-old hatreds, now armed with the powers of global terrorism?

As national director of the Anti-Defamation League, Abraham H. Foxman fights against the menace of intolerance every day. As a result of the disturbing events of the last few years, he is convinced that we currently face as great a threat to the safety and security of the Jewish people as we faced in the 1930s. Foxman writes: "Within living memory, we’ve seen what can happen when a nation or a continent experiences an unrestrained outbreak of anti-Semitism. The Jews of the world -- and all people of goodwill who share their desire for a just and free society -- learned a series of critical lessons from the tragic history of the twentieth century. Today, we understand how important it is to recognize the emergence of new forms of anti-Semitism so that we can warn the world and stave off the worst effects."

Anti-Semitism remains a pernicious form of ethnic and religious intolerance, with consequences for all of humankind. In communities from the United States to the Middle East, Europe to South Africa and Latin America, Jews are being persecuted in old and new ways. Exploring the history of anti-Semitism and providing the first comprehensive examination of the new rampant anti-Jewish sentiment worldwide, Never Again? offers a crucial discussion of the steps that must be taken to prevent this century from witnessing a replay of the horrors of the last.

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