There is no question that
Narendra Modi towers over Gujarat. The state is not just a one-party state (BJP), it has effectively become a one-person state. But the big question for
Narendra Modi, the presumptive BJP candidate for Prime Minister, is whether his Gujarat model of growth and good governance is for real and can be replicated on the national stage.
The issue, as it always is when it comes to Modi, is that he is a polarising figure. While , the
CNN-IBN panel discussing Modi agreed on the data that showed Modi and the BJP sweeping Gujarat in the 2014 national election, Modi the man, and his model, was the subject of much disagreement.
The panel was analysing the data from a poll conducted by
The Hindu. The panel members were Yogendra Yadav, senior fellow at the Center for Study of Developing Studies, Journalist Swapan Dasgupta, Professor Ramachandra Guha, author of
India after Gandhi, P Sainath, the rural affairs editor for the Hindu, and columnist Aakar Patel.
![Modi will sweep Gujarat, but is he PM material?]()
Modi will sweep Gujarat, but is he PM material?
The poll showed that 64 percent of respondents in Gujarat approved of Modi’s government in the state, though this was not the highest level of satisfaction among all states. 75 percent of respondents approved of the BJP government in Chattisgarh and 82 percent approved of the Madhya Pradesh government.
The poll also showed 49 percent of respondents wanted Modi to be the BJP’s PM candidate.
All the panelists said there was no one to match Modi in the state because he had successfully marginalised potential opponents within the BJP, and because the Congress was no match for him ideologically, politically or organisationally. The polls predict Modi sweeping the national election in 2014 – the Congress getting just 2 to 6 seats – and the consensus was that it would be a wipe out.
Patel called him a “big star” and Sainath and Guha agreed that he towers of his state in a way no other politician does today. In the light of Modi’s probable projection as a Prime Ministerial candidate though, the robustness of his approach was much disputed.
Dasgupta defended Modi and the Gujarat model, saying the reason why Narendra Modi has been elevated where he is today is not merely on account of what he has done in Gujarat, but on the strength of his personal charisma [as well].
“He was always going to sell the Gujarat model, which is a model of good governance, taking into account certain broad realities of Gujarat.
Sainath, however, called Modi’s reputation and the Gujarat model “the biggest public relations con job of our time”. According to Sainath, Modi espouses a pro-corporate outlook and therefore where the Gujarat model falters is in human development indicators, pointing out that the state has one of the slowest rates of poverty reduction in the country,
Yadav concurred, saying while no one can dispute there has been growth, the human development indicators have lagged behind, suggesting that the Gujarat model is not the silver bullet that will solve all of India’s ills.
Where the panelists did agree was that Modi is tapping into a general sense of disastifaction running through a section of Indian society over where the country is headed.
“Modi epitomises a generational impatience with the sluggish rate of growth”, Dasgupta said, adding that Modi also epitomises those people who believe that India has not reached its potential and that the current government has become a drag on India’s growth and that potential, rather than a means of unlocking it.
Guha felt the section of society that Modi most appeals to is the young, educated, social media savvy upper class who “don’t represent the diversity of India”.
Yadav argued that Modi stood at the intersection of what he called “three fundamental flaws of our democracy”, though he is not the only leader to exhibit these traits. Modi’s growth model has two sides; he functions in a sub-democratic way i.e. by wielding total control; and that he indulges in majoritarianism, which is using communities to carve out a permanent majority.
“[This is] fundamentally at odds with democratic India,” Yadav said.
Meanwhile Sainath pointed out that Modi’s ability to polarise opinion starts “at home. The BJP itself is divided over him, with LK Advani openly disagreeing with the decision to make Modi the head of the BJP’s election campaign committee and Shivraj Singh Chouhan putting up campaign posters that did not feature Modi at all.
The issue of sectarianism was raised by Guha, who said the Muslims in Gujarat had been ghettoised and were scared. “I think these are signs of what that brand of politics might do if exported elsewhere. This is the challenge that faces Modi.”
For Dasgupta, while what happened in Gujarat may be distasteful to some, Modi has become the hero of the neo-middle class because he offers an aspirational model “which has nothing particularly Gujarat about it. It is a pan-India aspiration.”
“A process of self-improvement, the process of self emppowerment, that is what we are talking about, Dasgupta said. “We have to discard this notion of the charitable state. We have to talk about self empowerment.”
Given the last word, Patel said there is no such thing as a Modi model. He claimed that only one Gujarati had made it to the Forbes list of Indian billionares since Modi became chief minister of the state and that if Modi were to make it to the center, billionaires would not suddenly start sprouting around the country. He also criticised Modi’s method of functioning.
“He has chased away leaders in his party. He has not left anybody. A very nasty, extremely self-cenetered man that people should be wary of. Once he takes up a space, he occupies it entirely.”
Show One New Comment
Feku with his tall claims, cheap remarks against opponents is unbecoming of leader on national level. RSS is betting heavily on personal charisma of Feku and is wishing that his visibility in public space will fetch votes in 2014 elections. Feku appears to be ruling the cyber world mainly due to concerted efforts by Khaki Chaddis here . Will cyber world be able to translate into votes , is any body's guess.but RSS hopes Feku will be a saviour for khaki Chaddis. Jai ho!
It is amazing all these pundits going after Modi on all the what ifs, while totally ignoring all the scams
At least he doesn't have a family for whom has has to build an empire; he has a track record of being effective for over 12 years - like infrastructure/development work, no riots for last 11 years; he is strong leader unlike our current PM; We are sick and tired of good for nothing leaders who hide behind the burkha of SICKularism.
Now.. at 10pm, the army of Sanjay Jha's soldiers will come in to their office (debn) and start replying back.
Unfortunately, they don't understand that a majority of Modi supporters are non-organized genuine voters. Cong. media cell a tip for you "There is only so much you can do with fake accounts."
P. Sainath is a staunch leftist. It comes as no surprise that he criticized Narendra Modi. These people cannot see beyond bourgeoisie and proletariat class mindset. And less i say about Aakar Patel the better. Several politicians have tried to pull the con-job on the people of India in the past and failed. These "experts" should bear in mind that the Indian voter has seen much over the years and has the ability to decide for himself/herself. Or perhaps they're saying that the people of Gujarat/MP etc. are idiots with no decision making abilities of their own! The denial is strong is this one!
A leader works with resources at his disposal. If Gujarat is good at producing veggies and leader promote finds better veggie markets, better fertilizers and techniques etc to leverage the core strength. Now this hero is terming it as model and bases his whole analysis on it and looks into how exactly same techniques will benefit wheat crop in Uttar Pradesh.
Now, single digit IQ and disability of comprehension is author's problem, it ain't Modi's. Amazing is how easily this type folks mushrooming all over the internet. Pathetic.
Hardly surprising headlines from a media company , the father of whose editor was bailed out by congress after being caught in non-bailable FERA case, The loyalty to the most corrupt party in the Indian history is but expected
India is facing bankruptcy in the coming years. With our currency loosing against Dollar and our loan servicing amount mounting we need an efficient, honest and no-nonsense man to lead India. Think what will happen if present sycophants are re-elected!
politician opp modi as they fear they lose their control of their power to that is why big leaders opps more and more for modi
He is polarising...
he is autocratic...
he is divisive....
So what? I have seen enough of non-polarising, "democratic" and pluralistic leaders who have prove to be "good-for-nothing". Our current PM is a case in point. In the end, Modi GETS THE JOB DONE!! Isn't that the end point we elect governments for.
Unfortunately, in India the arm chair thinkers are of the view that a hindu shoild always address a veil as a "ghoongat", if he calls it burqa, its a "communal" behavior.
The oldest veda-Rig Veda- says,"Let good thoughts come from all directions"!So we have to know diverse views about a person, before we come to a conclusion about him! Modi has played Gujarat card for 12 years and has been identified with it!Seven months back he sought Gujaratis votes on the solemn promise to"continue to serve Gujarat"!If he were to contest for PMship even the Gujaratis would NOT vote for him!A promise made without the intention of performing it is a "Fraud"!already opposition to Modi within the party is growing fast!
The self-respecting and future oriented youth of India have taken exception to the Modi's plan of inviting 500'tehkedars" who would conscript maximum youth in the age group 18 to 35 for a party dominated by oldies above 60 years of age!
The thing is Modi has made everybody paranoid. People are in awe such a leader can come again in India. He is fighting a lone battle. It reminds me of Ayn Rand's characters, more of Howard Roark then John Galt, though the context in which he is fighting is completely different. Oh, and on the side notes about the CNN-IBN poll about score of the congress, I might sound cynical here, the poll is either paid for to alter perceptions of Indian electorate about the ruling party at centre, or majority of Indian electorate doesn't care about corruption any more, we all have become corrupt to the core.
Wonder what is with Modi that scares the shit out of so many rodents. By screaming hell, they only make him look more powerful. I feel with such a concerted negative campaign, they will help Modi garner, lo and behold, sympathy votes!
And if so many A$$ holes oppose a man,it only reaffirms our hope in him
A bunch of neo liberals sipping tea and pontificating....Bah! The BS about human development index.....CONGI has neither economic growth nor human development. Assuming the numbers they trot out are true, which one would you prefer ? A man who has done half the job or those who have done nothing ? Except of course steal the country blind. For all his faults, Modi's is transparent. Autocrat ? Hell yes ! We need some of that. This phony democracy that gets nothing done has been a drag long enough. As for the Hindu and Mr.Sai whatsisname, they are the most biased among the media, playing to an Anti-modi gallery
In one of his speeches PM said "Compulsions of coalition".
Modi has 2/3 majority, he has no compulstions.. ah.. then he becomes autocratic.. right.. I see your point!
Err... I would prefer my PM to be a bit autocratic rather than be a bystander and do nothing...
Sainath is awesome. That is all.
OMG! the blanket criticism of Modi continues...
Modi is a polarizing figure... well the people who have been blindly following "the family," are bound to find him polarizing. He is building an army of voters against the congress. He is shaking up the system. Modi is one man who is showing that democracy and inclusive development can work together only if the man at the top is clean and non corrupt!
I have only one suggestion for all the media folks. If you have some conscience left in you jsut drive on one of the trunk roads in Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad count the number of potholes and accidents.
Then fly to Gandhinagar and drive on one of the trunk roads there. If there is a pothole, repo it to the appropriate authority and see it for yourself how much time it takes to fix the problem.
See it for yourself, what inclusive development means. I walways say
that road is "secular" thing. You don't restrict a particular community
from using it to walk/drive on it. If the most basic of the basic
secular things in Gandhinagar are in tip top shape, is Modi still a
divisive figure?
Whom do you want to lead the country out of this mess, A crown prince who just gives a peep from a khidki once in a while? Or a man who has been pivotal in developing a state at double the national average!
The more the number of politicians and bureaucrats that oppose Modi's elevation the more determined the common man becomes to bring him to power!
An enemy of the corrupt is a friend of the oppressed common man!
what shite is this? Ok Pundits are all together in denouncing Modi and denying the progress in Gujrat (now it is Modi's con job; fortunately they did not say he got reelected by manufacturing voters; but it will come soon.)
pretty soon they will put Gujrat behind Bihar in well being!
Fortunately these Pundits have only one vote each.
Mr Sainath, what do you think of cons done in last year - Coal Con, 3G Con, Adarsh Con, etc.. Or these are too small for you to notice?
the headline is misleading... FP has summarized the opinions of all anti Modi seculars including SAinath's
And Rahul Gandhi is Einstein of our time.
I would like to bring, some other facets of Narendra Modi, as a presumptive prime minister in 2014. Modi has either purposely or by accident, kept his competitors in the BJP party or their NDA alliance partners. Lately, he has changed his rhetoric. Now he is claiming that 'winning (against Congress party's assumed candidate, Rahul Gandhi) is his goal, not becoming NDA's (chosen) prime minister. To take him seriously has become, for me, rather impossible.
BJP in trouble in Bihar, leaders meet RSS chief
PTI Jul 23, 2013, 05.27AM IST
PATNA: Stung by rebellion within the party, Bihar BJP top leaders today met RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat here and discussed the political situation in the state.
The BJP state unit has accused Chief Minister Nitish Kumar
of orchestrating the revolt. While one MLA has been suspended for six
years, nearly a dozen BJP MLAs reportedly have complained against party
leader Sushil Kumar Modi.
Bihar won't forgive Nitish Kumar for breaking ties with BJP, Narendra Modi says
PTI Jul 6, 2013, 07.18PM IST
NEW DELHI: Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi on Saturday launched a 'virtual' election campaign in Bihar making a veiled attack against his bete noire Nitish Kumar saying those who 'betrayed' BJP will be defeated by people of the state.
"There is a 1974-like anti-Congress wave prevailing in the country now.
The mandate of the people of Bihar was for NDA. Like then (in 1974),
those who betrayed the people's mandate in Bihar will be taught a
lesson," Modi told party leaders.
In 'politically unstable' Bihar's development is a victim: Narendra Modi
Tuesday, Jul 23, 2013, 0:44 IST | Place: New Delhi | Agency: ANI
Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) leader Sushil Kumar Modi criticized his
former ally, the Nitish Kumar-led Janata Dal (United) saying that in the
‘unstable” political climate in the lead up to the 2014 Lok Sabha
elections, Bihar’s progress is being sacrificed.
“The Bihar government is not concerned about development and progress
of the state. In the present situation of political instability in
Bihar, the development of the state is falling victim to the political
parties”, Modi said here today.
Modi , who has been in constant tussle with the JD(U) for the past few
days , said that he is prepared to combat the regional party with a
“befitting reply”, should they try and divide the BJP internally.
I think, Narendra Modi knows very little about local politics or he is such an arrogant person that he cannot stand opposition, no matter where it is coming from. Nitish has broken Narendra's composure and there would be more, from within BJP or from Congress who would love to take Modi's egotistical silly talks. Shatrugha and Sudhindra are doing it, even as we speak. Sushma and Arun, silent for now, might be waiting till an appropriate moment (of weakness) to pounce on Modi's ramshackle of an election "Ratha Yatra."
Narendra is severely wounded and Congress and other secular parties may just wait to cannibalize him. Sooner or later, the real Modi, a monster that he is, would become clear.
...and I am Sid Harth
What a way to get eye balls on such an ordinary post!! Just take NaMo's name in headline and make your advertiser happy. BTW, what can one expect from Guha and Aakar Patel to say about Modi?
Looks like FP has also got influenced - Congress' media campaign has bought many mouths!!
Feku with his tall claims, cheap remarks against opponents is unbecoming of leader on national level. RSS is betting heavily on personal charisma of Feku and is wishing that his visibility in public space will fetch votes in 2014 elections. Feku appears to be ruling the cyber world mainly due to concerted efforts by Khaki Chaddis here . Will cyber world be able to translate into votes , is any body's guess.but RSS hopes Feku will be a saviour for khaki Chaddis. Jai ho!
It is amazing all these pundits going after Modi on all the what ifs, while totally ignoring all the scams
At least he doesn't have a family for whom has has to build an empire; he has a track record of being effective for over 12 years - like infrastructure/development work, no riots for last 11 years; he is strong leader unlike our current PM; We are sick and tired of good for nothing leaders who hide behind the burkha of SICKularism.
Now.. at 10pm, the army of Sanjay Jha's soldiers will come in to their office (debn) and start replying back.
Unfortunately, they don't understand that a majority of Modi supporters are non-organized genuine voters. Cong. media cell a tip for you "There is only so much you can do with fake accounts."
P. Sainath is a staunch leftist. It comes as no surprise that he criticized Narendra Modi. These people cannot see beyond bourgeoisie and proletariat class mindset. And less i say about Aakar Patel the better. Several politicians have tried to pull the con-job on the people of India in the past and failed. These "experts" should bear in mind that the Indian voter has seen much over the years and has the ability to decide for himself/herself. Or perhaps they're saying that the people of Gujarat/MP etc. are idiots with no decision making abilities of their own! The denial is strong is this one!
A leader works with resources at his disposal. If Gujarat is good at producing veggies and leader promote finds better veggie markets, better fertilizers and techniques etc to leverage the core strength. Now this hero is terming it as model and bases his whole analysis on it and looks into how exactly same techniques will benefit wheat crop in Uttar Pradesh.
Now, single digit IQ and disability of comprehension is author's problem, it ain't Modi's. Amazing is how easily this type folks mushrooming all over the internet. Pathetic.
Hardly surprising headlines from a media company , the father of whose editor was bailed out by congress after being caught in non-bailable FERA case, The loyalty to the most corrupt party in the Indian history is but expected
India is facing bankruptcy in the coming years. With our currency loosing against Dollar and our loan servicing amount mounting we need an efficient, honest and no-nonsense man to lead India. Think what will happen if present sycophants are re-elected!
politician opp modi as they fear they lose their control of their power to that is why big leaders opps more and more for modi
He is polarising...
he is autocratic...
he is divisive....
So what? I have seen enough of non-polarising, "democratic" and pluralistic leaders who have prove to be "good-for-nothing". Our current PM is a case in point. In the end, Modi GETS THE JOB DONE!! Isn't that the end point we elect governments for.
Unfortunately, in India the arm chair thinkers are of the view that a hindu shoild always address a veil as a "ghoongat", if he calls it burqa, its a "communal" behavior.
The oldest veda-Rig Veda- says,"Let good thoughts come from all directions"!So we have to know diverse views about a person, before we come to a conclusion about him! Modi has played Gujarat card for 12 years and has been identified with it!Seven months back he sought Gujaratis votes on the solemn promise to"continue to serve Gujarat"!If he were to contest for PMship even the Gujaratis would NOT vote for him!A promise made without the intention of performing it is a "Fraud"!already opposition to Modi within the party is growing fast!
The self-respecting and future oriented youth of India have taken exception to the Modi's plan of inviting 500'tehkedars" who would conscript maximum youth in the age group 18 to 35 for a party dominated by oldies above 60 years of age!
The thing is Modi has made everybody paranoid. People are in awe such a leader can come again in India. He is fighting a lone battle. It reminds me of Ayn Rand's characters, more of Howard Roark then John Galt, though the context in which he is fighting is completely different. Oh, and on the side notes about the CNN-IBN poll about score of the congress, I might sound cynical here, the poll is either paid for to alter perceptions of Indian electorate about the ruling party at centre, or majority of Indian electorate doesn't care about corruption any more, we all have become corrupt to the core.
Wonder what is with Modi that scares the shit out of so many rodents. By screaming hell, they only make him look more powerful. I feel with such a concerted negative campaign, they will help Modi garner, lo and behold, sympathy votes!
And if so many A$$ holes oppose a man,it only reaffirms our hope in him
A bunch of neo liberals sipping tea and pontificating....Bah! The BS about human development index.....CONGI has neither economic growth nor human development. Assuming the numbers they trot out are true, which one would you prefer ? A man who has done half the job or those who have done nothing ? Except of course steal the country blind. For all his faults, Modi's is transparent. Autocrat ? Hell yes ! We need some of that. This phony democracy that gets nothing done has been a drag long enough. As for the Hindu and Mr.Sai whatsisname, they are the most biased among the media, playing to an Anti-modi gallery
In one of his speeches PM said "Compulsions of coalition".
Modi has 2/3 majority, he has no compulstions.. ah.. then he becomes autocratic.. right.. I see your point!
Err... I would prefer my PM to be a bit autocratic rather than be a bystander and do nothing...
Sainath is awesome. That is all.
OMG! the blanket criticism of Modi continues...
Modi is a polarizing figure... well the people who have been blindly following "the family," are bound to find him polarizing. He is building an army of voters against the congress. He is shaking up the system. Modi is one man who is showing that democracy and inclusive development can work together only if the man at the top is clean and non corrupt!
I have only one suggestion for all the media folks. If you have some conscience left in you jsut drive on one of the trunk roads in Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad count the number of potholes and accidents.
Then fly to Gandhinagar and drive on one of the trunk roads there. If there is a pothole, repo it to the appropriate authority and see it for yourself how much time it takes to fix the problem.
See it for yourself, what inclusive development means. I walways say
that road is "secular" thing. You don't restrict a particular community
from using it to walk/drive on it. If the most basic of the basic
secular things in Gandhinagar are in tip top shape, is Modi still a
divisive figure?
Whom do you want to lead the country out of this mess, A crown prince who just gives a peep from a khidki once in a while? Or a man who has been pivotal in developing a state at double the national average!
The more the number of politicians and bureaucrats that oppose Modi's elevation the more determined the common man becomes to bring him to power!
An enemy of the corrupt is a friend of the oppressed common man!
what shite is this? Ok Pundits are all together in denouncing Modi and denying the progress in Gujrat (now it is Modi's con job; fortunately they did not say he got reelected by manufacturing voters; but it will come soon.)
pretty soon they will put Gujrat behind Bihar in well being!
Fortunately these Pundits have only one vote each.
Mr Sainath, what do you think of cons done in last year - Coal Con, 3G Con, Adarsh Con, etc.. Or these are too small for you to notice?
the headline is misleading... FP has summarized the opinions of all anti Modi seculars including SAinath's
And Rahul Gandhi is Einstein of our time.
I would like to bring, some other facets of Narendra Modi, as a presumptive prime minister in 2014. Modi has either purposely or by accident, kept his competitors in the BJP party or their NDA alliance partners. Lately, he has changed his rhetoric. Now he is claiming that 'winning (against Congress party's assumed candidate, Rahul Gandhi) is his goal, not becoming NDA's (chosen) prime minister. To take him seriously has become, for me, rather impossible.
BJP in trouble in Bihar, leaders meet RSS chief
PTI Jul 23, 2013, 05.27AM IST
PATNA: Stung by rebellion within the party, Bihar BJP top leaders today met RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat here and discussed the political situation in the state.
The BJP state unit has accused Chief Minister Nitish Kumar
of orchestrating the revolt. While one MLA has been suspended for six
years, nearly a dozen BJP MLAs reportedly have complained against party
leader Sushil Kumar Modi.
Bihar won't forgive Nitish Kumar for breaking ties with BJP, Narendra Modi says
PTI Jul 6, 2013, 07.18PM IST
NEW DELHI: Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi on Saturday launched a 'virtual' election campaign in Bihar making a veiled attack against his bete noire Nitish Kumar saying those who 'betrayed' BJP will be defeated by people of the state.
"There is a 1974-like anti-Congress wave prevailing in the country now.
The mandate of the people of Bihar was for NDA. Like then (in 1974),
those who betrayed the people's mandate in Bihar will be taught a
lesson," Modi told party leaders.
In 'politically unstable' Bihar's development is a victim: Narendra Modi
Tuesday, Jul 23, 2013, 0:44 IST | Place: New Delhi | Agency: ANI
Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) leader Sushil Kumar Modi criticized his
former ally, the Nitish Kumar-led Janata Dal (United) saying that in the
‘unstable” political climate in the lead up to the 2014 Lok Sabha
elections, Bihar’s progress is being sacrificed.
“The Bihar government is not concerned about development and progress
of the state. In the present situation of political instability in
Bihar, the development of the state is falling victim to the political
parties”, Modi said here today.
Modi , who has been in constant tussle with the JD(U) for the past few
days , said that he is prepared to combat the regional party with a
“befitting reply”, should they try and divide the BJP internally.
I think, Narendra Modi knows very little about local politics or he is such an arrogant person that he cannot stand opposition, no matter where it is coming from. Nitish has broken Narendra's composure and there would be more, from within BJP or from Congress who would love to take Modi's egotistical silly talks. Shatrugha and Sudhindra are doing it, even as we speak. Sushma and Arun, silent for now, might be waiting till an appropriate moment (of weakness) to pounce on Modi's ramshackle of an election "Ratha Yatra."
Narendra is severely wounded and Congress and other secular parties may just wait to cannibalize him. Sooner or later, the real Modi, a monster that he is, would become clear.
...and I am Sid Harth
What a way to get eye balls on such an ordinary post!! Just take NaMo's name in headline and make your advertiser happy. BTW, what can one expect from Guha and Aakar Patel to say about Modi?
Looks like FP has also got influenced - Congress' media campaign has bought many mouths!!
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...and I am Sid Harth