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The First Human: The Race to Discover Our Earliest Ancestors


of science in the region. In particular, his Cape focus, while justified, leaves much to be done on
other parts of South Africa.S IMONPOOLEY
University of Oxford
The First Human: The Race to Discover Our Earliest Ancestors.
New York:
Knopf, 2007. Pp. ix+303. ISBN 1-4000-7696-X. $14.95 (paperback).
The dramatic hominid fossil finds of the last half-century have stimulated interest in the history of
palaeoanthropology. Thus far historians have tended either to trace the discovery of various
hominid fossils or the debates that have arisen between competing theories of how humans
evolved over time. Ann Gibbons’s book does these things too, but she also engages a number of
other issues of central importance both in contemporary palaeoanthropology and in the history
and sociology of science.
Gibbons is a science journalist who has ‘covered’ Africa and so has got to know a number of
the scientists working there. As a result, she brings to her book a great deal of personal knowledge
of the events described. She concentrates on the efforts of several key groups of researchers who,
over the last thirty years, have conducted excavations searching for the earliest human ancestors.
In order to situate this research in its historical context, she opens with several chapters providing
a general overview of developments in palaeoanthropology during the early and mid-twentieth
century. Inevitably these chapters amount to a somewhat Whiggish account emphasizing just
those events which prepared the way for the problems constituting her central subjects.
Much of the book consists of a detailed and interesting discussion of the research of Richard
Leakey’s team at Koobi Fora in Kenya, Tim White’s team in the Middle Awash in Ethiopia,
Michel Brunet’s team in Chad, and Martin Pickford and Brigitte Senut in the Tungen Hills in
Kenya. Gibbons provides a thorough account of their discoveries of new hominid fossils and of
the competing interpretations of these fossils. She also analyses the role that research in molecular
anthropology has increasingly come to play in theorizing about human evolution. One of the
strengths of the book is the extent to which it shows how important the interdisciplinary coop-
eration between geologists, palaeontologists, anatomists, archaeologists and scientists of a variety
of other kinds has become in modern palaeoanthropology.
Where Gibbons differs from many others who have studied the history of this science is in her
attention to the sociological aspects of human origins research. She recognizes that there are
multiple layers of social, political and personal factors that contribute to the debates that abound
after the discovery of any new fossil hominid. Many of the stories Gibbons tells recount the
personal and professional disagreements among palaeoanthropologists, offering a fascinating
glimpse into the dynamics of a specific scientific community. Even more interesting from a
sociological and historical perspective, however, are her discussions of the international politics
of palaeoanthropological research. Gibbons describes the procedures by which teams of primarily
American and European scientists, supported by universities or other institutions, gain access to
excavation sites and obtain the necessary permits from national governments in Africa to search
for fossils. She also describes how African governments have replaced lax policies with more
rigorous ones as they have come to recognize the value of their prehistoric fossils and artefacts in
both economic and national heritage terms. At the same time, she discusses the extremely com-
petitive nature of human origins research and the manoeuvring that researchers and institutions
employ in order to obtain permits to excavate.
Within the discipline of palaeoanthropology itself, issues of ethical research practices and
appropriate professional behaviour have become important questions in the face of con-
tentious relationships between research groups. Gibbons outlines recent debates among
Book reviews
palaeoanthropologists about who should have authority and access to excavation sites and who
should have the right to exercise professional or institutional power within the discipline. She
notes that opposing groups of researchers defend their views on these issues on the basis of very
different conceptions of how the politics of science should work and also the kind of training and
education required in order for a researcher to be allowed to conduct excavations. Disagreements
along these lines have direct implications for the way palaeoanthropology has developed a pro-
fessional identity and sets of accepted research practices over the last half-century.
The detailed history of the discoveries and debates over recent African hominid fossils and the
unusual attention paid to broader social and political factors in palaeoanthropology are the
primary strengths of The First Human. However, Gibbons’s experience as a journalist affects the
way she approaches and handles the material in the book, which often results in a lack of his-
torical context when examining specific events or issues. She gives prominence to the discovery of
hominid specimens and does not offer sufficient discussion of the anthropological or biological
theories that are critical to the interpretation of these fossils. The references for much of the
material that is discussed are not as extensive as one would demand from a scholarly work, and
Gibbons does not situate her subject within the context of other scholarly literature on the history
of palaeoanthropology. However, historians of science will find much of interest in this work,
and the general reader will be treated to an informative account of an important area of con-
temporary science.
Virginia Tech
Book reviews
...and I am Sid Harth

Moon dust


Moon dust a threat to space exploration according to reports

A another trip to the Moon could be hampered by dust and be a major threat to spacecraft and humans, it was stated at a recent space conference.

red moon

Attendees of the conference heard that simulations by scientists in Britain and France have shown that in key zones of Earth’s satellite where dust was stirred up by a landing or exploration gains cause an electrostatic force that hampers lunar gravity.
As a result, the dust lingers high above the surface, presenting a thin grey cloud of fine, sticky, abrasive particles that hamper visibility, coat solar panels and threaten moving parts, they said.
Some kinds of lunar dust are laden with iron, presenting a toxicity risk for humans if breathed in, they said.
Farideh Honary, a professor at the University of Lancaster, northwestern England, said lunar dust was already identified as a potential hazard by returning Apollo astronauts.
But only now, with mounting interest in a return to the Moon, were scientists taking a closer look, she said.
“We need to study the dust in much more detail and to do more measurements before (sending) manned missions,” she said by phone.
In a computer simulation presented at the annual conference in Edinburgh of Britain’s Royal Astronomical Society (RAS), Honary said dust did not behave uniformly around the Moon.
What makes the dust levitate and cling is a force caused by electrostatic charge.
Exposure to ultraviolet rays in sunlight drives out electrons and gives the dust a positive charge. But at night-time or in shadow, the torrent of particles spewed out from the Sun charges the dust with electrons, giving it a negative charge.
The dust movement occurs most in areas where the Sun is either rising or setting, and dust particles of opposite charges that are disturbed get pulled towards each other, floating in a haze.
“On most of the lunar surface, a rover would experience roughly 14 days of sunlight followed by 14 days of darkness, so the transition between the two would last a long time by terrestrial standards,” said Prof Honary.
“Engineers really do need to think about this,” she said.
Building a “dome-shaped” rover from which the dust slides, as opposed to a rover that is box-shaped or has lots of crevices or surfaces on which the dust could fall, would be a good option, she said.
The last manned mission to the Moon was Apollo 17, in 1972.
China has said it will attempt to land an exploratory craft on the Moon in the second half of 2013 and transmit back a survey of the lunar surface. Chinese mission controllers are mulling five locations for a site where a six-wheeled rover will be deployed.
Indian space officials have also sketched plans for sending a rover in 2015

July 9, 2013 @ 3:56 pm
 © 2013 The Informative Report
...and I am Sid Harth

U.S.-Vietnam Relations


Good Will, Trade Characterize U.S.-Vietnam Relations

Panetta's Visit Highlights Diplomacy

By , About.com Guide
Good Will, Trade Characterize U.S.-Vietnam Relations
U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, left, shakes hands with Vietnamese Defense Minister Phung Quang Thanh, in Hanoi, Vietnam, June 4, 2012.
Photo by Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo/Department of Defense

Updated June 08, 2012
United States Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta visited Hanoi, Vietnam, June 4, 2012, as part of a trip through Southeast Asia to help the United States reorient its foreign policy toward the Asia Pacific region instead of the Middle East. Forty years ago, with the Vietnam War still six months from ending, such a trip would have been unthinkable. No doubt many a Vietnam veteran finds it hard to believe that the U.S. and Vietnam have had normalized relations for 17 years.
In fact, the country that is so synonymous with American military bungling and social upheaval now plays host to more than 400,000 U.S. tourists yearly.
Era Of Bad Relations And War
American military involvement in Vietnam began with World War II. Before the war, Vietnam was a French colony. In 1941, however, Japan took over the country. During the war, the United States teamed with Vietnam, China, and the United Kingdom to throw Imperial Japan out of Southeast Asia.
But at the war's end, victorious European allies allowed France to retake Vietnam as an imperial possession. Vietnamese nationalists, led by Ho Chi Minh, had hoped that World War II would mark the end of Vietnamese colonialism, and they opposed the French return. (Ho Chi Minh had styled himself a revolutionary leader of Vietnam comparable to America's George Washington; he even hoped to have an American-style "declaration of independence" and a July 4 independence day.)
The United States, which became de facto Western leader after World War II, could not abide Ho Chi Minh's revolutionary movement because he had ties to both Communist Russia and China. Instead, the U.S. backed the French return. In 1954, however, Ho Chi Minh and his military leader Vo Nguyen Giap embarrassed the French at the siege of Dienbienphu and forced them to give up the country.
Instead of allowing the communist Ho Chi Minh and his followers to take control of the country, the U.S. stepped into the power vacuum created when France left. As a compromise, the U.S. partitioned the country at the 17th Parallel (close to the thin geographic neck of the country) and allowed Ho and the Communists to govern North Vietnam from Hanoi. A U.S.-backed "democratic" government ran South Vietnam from Saigon. When the U.S. reneged on a promise to allow free elections in 1956 to determine the unification of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh began resistance against the United States.
The U.S. actively fought North Vietnamese and Viet Cong (South Vietnamese who fought for the Communists) from 1965 to 1973 when it ceased military action. In April 1975, North Vietnamese troops rolled across the south, united the country under a communist government. They changed the name of Saigon to Ho Chi Minh City in honor of the leader who had died in 1969.
Era Of Good Relations
While Vietnam remains "communist," free market forces drive it more now than Marxist ideology. This statement from the U.S. State Department sums it up nicely: " Though Vietnam remains a one-party state, adherence to ideological orthodoxy has become less important than economic development as a national priority."
In July 1995, U.S. President Bill Clinton formally normalized diplomatic relations with Vietnam. They exchanged ambassadors, and the U.S. has consulates in Ho Chi Minh City and Danang, both of which were U.S. bases in the war.
Other elements of U.S.-Vietnamese cooperation include:
  • U.S.-Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement, 2001, which has facilitated trade between the two countries. U.S. exports to Vietnam in 2010 totaled $3.7 billion; imports from Vietnam were $14.9 billion.
  • Foreign Direct Investment from U.S. private investors equaled $9.8 billion.
  • Bilateral Air Transport Agreement, 2003, amended 2008, enables direct passenger flights between the U.S. and Vietnam, as well as cargo flights.
  • Unexploded ordinance location and clearing: the U.S. State Department has committed $62 million over two decades to finding and removing unexploded munitions from the Vietnam War.
Search For MIAs
During Panetta's visit, Vietnam announced that it was opening three new areas in which to search for the remains of American soldiers listed as Missing In Action (MIA). The State Department reports that 1,288 soldiers remain unaccounted for in Vietnam. Four times each year, a Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC) conducts searches to account for the missing personnel.

Cuban Missile Crisis


Fiftieth Anniversary of Cuban Missile Crisis

Robert Kennedy's Family Releases Related Documents

By , About.com Guide

Updated October 20, 2012
This month -- October 2012 -- marks the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis. The crisis, which evolved over 13 days, centered on the Soviet Union's placement of nuclear-capable missiles in Cuba, where three years earlier Fidel Castro had staged a successful communist revolution.
The revolution put Cuba in the Soviet sphere of influence; at only 90 miles from Florida, Cuban communism was a dramatic failure of the U.S. policy of containment. As far as the U.S. was concerned, the Cuban-Soviet link was also a violation of the Monroe Doctrine.
But the Cuban-Soviet alliance also created a more urgent situation. It provided the Soviet Union with a base for missiles that could strike not only much of the United States, but Central America and South America as well. The U.S. had pledged to defend Latin American countries in a series of post-World War II alliances; as such the possibility of missiles in Cuba made the U.S. look weak.

The Crisis

On October 14, 1962, an American U2 spy plane took nearly 1,000 photographs showing Soviet missiles, launchers, warheads, and unassembled Soviet bombers in Cuba. Some of the warheads were nuclear. In addition, the Soviets had placed up to 40,000 troops in Cuba.
President John F. Kennedy convened an "executive committee" (EXCOMM) of advisors to help him negotiate the crisis. Chief among them was Kennedy's brother, Robert, who was also U.S. attorney general.
The Kennedys had two obvious choices, neither good: accept Soviet missiles in Cuba or invade Cuba and oust the Soviets. Kennedy was already gun-shy of invasion scenarios, as the CIA-led Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba had failed in 1961.
Kennedy and EXCOMM crafted a third option. The U.S. declared a blockade around Cuba that would prevent Soviet ships from delivering necessary equipment to ready the missiles. The U.S. would regard any Soviet attempt to break the blockade as an act of war.
A week into the crisis, Kennedy announced the blockade to the public, and he put American military units around the globe on high alert. Soviet ships approached the blockade line, and Americans nervously followed the showdown. Historians regard the second week of the crisis as the closest the world has come to nuclear war.
Meanwhile, Robert Kennedy engaged in covert negotiations with Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin. He suggested a deal by which the Soviets publicly remove its missiles from Cuba, and the U.S. would agree to never invade Cuba. Secretly, the U.S. would also remove missiles from Turkey, which were as much a threat to the Soviets as the Cuban missiles were to the U.S.
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev accepted the deal, and the Cuban Missile Crisis ended.

RFK Documents/History Lesson

Coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the crisis, the family of Robert F. Kennedy has released a trove of RFK's documents regarding the incident and his secret diplomacy.
The documents provide a new set of primary sources through which researchers can look at the missile crisis.
Primary sources are the building blocks of history. Like elements or integers in other disciplines, primary sources provide the basis of research and interpretation that inform interpretation for historians, political scientists, and other diplomatic, public policy, and social science experts.
Primary sources tend to be journals, diaries, notebooks, or other records kept by key players in an event or during a given time. (Secondary sources, in case you're wandering, are the books, monographs, or articles that researchers write after consulting primary documents.)
Will the RFK sources reveal anything new about the Cuban Missile Crisis? Hard to tell until researchers comb through them and put their interpretations on them. The crisis has long been regarded as a case study in executive decision making. (Check out Graham T. Allison's and Philip Zelikow's Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis (1999) for a highly regarded examination of the subject.)
You can be sure, however, that the documents will reveal more about the working relationship of the Kennedy brothers, as well as the intricacies of diplomacy during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Nixon Goes To China


Nixon Goes To China

Normalizing U.S.-Chinese Relations

By , About.com Guide
Nixon Goes To China
U.S. President Richard Nixon meets Communist China's Chairman Mao Zedong in February 1972.
White House Photo, courtesy National Archives and Records Administration

Updated May 13, 2012
In early 1972, the United States and China had no diplomatic relations. That changed in February of that year when U.S. President Richard Nixon flew to Beijing (then commonly called Peking) and broke 22 years of Cold War tension between the two countries.


In 1949, following years of civil war, Mao Zedong's Communists defeated Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalists for control of the country. Chiang and his party retreated to the island of Taiwan, which the United States quickly recognized as the sole Chinese government.
The U.S. was committed to its anti-Communist foreign policy in the wake of the Soviet Union's unabashed takeover of territory after World War II. In fact, Soviet leader Josef Stalin had promised to help revolutionary Communist movements around the globe, and he and Mao had formed an alliance. Mao also based much of his governmental policies around Soviet Stalinism.
U.S./Chinese relations deteriorated in the 1950s. American soldiers fought Chinese troops in the Korean War (1950-53), and President Dwight D. Eisenhower threatened armed intervention when mainland China appeared ready to attack Taiwan.

Sino-Soviet Split

Later in the 1950s, however, a crack developed in Sino-Soviet relations. When Stalin died in 1953, his successor as Nikita Khrushchev began to distance himself from Stalin's oppressive, dictatorial style. That alarmed Mao since he had patterned himself after Stalin.
Khrushchev later began cutting monetary and technological aid to agricultural China. Desperate to industrialize, Mao instituted what he called "The Great Leap Forward" -- a plan to have all rural Chinese people begin making "steel" from scrap metals.
Chinese neglected their crops and instead made worthless metal products. As crops failed, people starved. Between 1958 and 1961, some 30 million Chinese died. For their effort, China was no closer to becoming an industrialized nation.
Internally wounded, China was also increasingly isolated on a global scale. As border fighting broke out between Chinese and Soviet troops, China found itself pitted against its old ally and still cut off from the Western world by the American policy of containment.

Exploiting The Breach

Enter Richard Nixon. Nixon had made a political reputation after World War II by chasing Communists. He gained national fame by leading an investigation of accused Communist Alger Hiss, and he parlayed that notoriety into eight years as Eisenhower's vice-president. Eisenhower struck a relaxed, affable posture as president; he left strong-arm anti-Communism to Nixon and his secretary of state John Foster Dulles. Nixon again became famous for debating Khrushchev on the merits of capitalism versus communism in a mock-up of a modern kitchen at a Moscow exhibition.
Nixon lost the 1960 presidential race to John F. Kennedy, as well as the 1962 California gubernatorial race. Still, private-citizen Nixon kept up with foreign affairs, and he keenly watched the widening Sino-Soviet rift.
Nixon won the 1968 U.S. Presidential race, and as soon as he took office in 1969, Nixon set his National Security Advisor Dr. Henry Kissinger to begin exploiting China's isolation.

Nixon Goes To China

Popular foreign policy mythos holds that only a tough anti-Communist red-baiter like Nixon could confidently "go to China" and open a dialogue with the Red Chinese. (The idea even made it into popular culture in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country: When Admiral Kirk, who had fought Klingons his whole career, opened "rapprochement" talks with Klingon officials, Spock wryly commented, "Only Nixon could go to China.")
However, as Tom Switzer has correctly observed at the National Review Online, others could have "gone to China." President Lyndon Johnson had suggested reconciliation with China as early as 1966. Strict 1949-style conservatives, not just liberals, were already questioning the efficacy of containment in light of the Vietnam War.
Still, Nixon was the one who did it. He had Kissinger, via a secret trip to Beijing, secure an invitation from Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai for Nixon to visit. Just as Nixon wanted to negotiate through American power to end the Vietnam War, he wanted to do the same with China. As much as he saw warming relations as beneficial to both China and the U.S. (as well as a critical new wedge against the Soviet Union), Nixon wanted China to appear the beneficiary.
The invitation came, and Nixon announced in mid-1971 that he would travel to China in February 1972. He also began loosening trade restrictions with China.
Nixon touched down in Beijing on February 21. He immediately met with his old Cold War-rival Mao, and over the next week he had a series of meetings with Zhou.
On February 28, the last day of Nixon's trip, the U.S. and China jointly issued what is now known as the "Shanghai Communique." The communiqué indicated that the United States and China pledged to work toward normalized relations. They also found diplomatic language that enabled them to temporarily set aside the testy issue of American recognition of Taiwan so they could move forward. As the U.S. State Department says, "The United States acknowledged the Chinese position that all Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait maintain that there is only one China and that Taiwan is part of China."
Nixon's trip did not immediately normalize relations with China. That came in 1979, but it did open the door for an American-Chinese relationship that ultimately helped end both the Vietnam War and the colossus of the Soviet Union.
Non-Web Source: Thomas G. Patterson, J. Garry Clifford, and Kenneth J. Hagan, American Foreign Relations: A History, Since 1865 (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2000), pp 362-65.

Readers Respond: What Do You Think Of Nixon Forty Years After His China Visit?

Suggested Reading
Steve Jones
US Foreign Policy Guide 

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...and I am Sid Harth

The Reagan Doctrine


The Reagan Doctrine, Pt. 1


By , About.com Guide
The Reagan Doctrine, Pt. 1
Ronald Reagan in 1981.
Photo courtesy Ronald Reagan Library
Updated April 28, 2013
Ronald Reagan, the United States' 40th president, is widely perceived as the man who "brought down" the Soviet Union. Increasingly, that ranks him high in many a pollster's list of top American presidents.
Many Reagan detractors maintain that the actor-turned-president was simply the last in a long line of Cold Warrior presidents, and that he benefited from the policy of containment upheld by his predecessors, from Harry Truman to Jimmy Carter. (Not to mention the proxy wars many of those presidents waged against Soviet satellite countries, like North Korea and North Vietnam.)
Still others claim that the Soviet Union was destined to die on its own, killed by the rot of Communism which stifled entrepreneurship, personal incentive, and technological growth. They say that Reagan and his successor, George H.W. Bush, were just in office at the right time to reap the benefits of Communism's demise.
Regardless of which view of Reagan you hold -- aggressive Cold Warrior or passive Cold War beneficiary -- it is true that Reagan gave America's role in the Cold War new impetus with a document known as National Security Decision Directive 75.

Soviet Succession Crisis

At this writing, it has been just over 30 years since the National Security Council drafted NSDD 75 in January 1983. While Reagan had been in office two years and had made no secret he wanted to see the Soviet Union fall, NSDD 75 took advantage of a crisis in the Soviet Union.
That crisis was the death of Soviet General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev in November 1982. Brezhnev had taken over the leadership of the Soviet Union in 1964 on the death of Nikita Khrushchev. Brezhnev's 18-year tenure was second only that of World War II leader Josef Stalin.
NSDD 75 predicted internal turmoil during Brezhnev's succession. "This may be a particularly opportune time for external forces to affect the policies of Brezhnev's successors," the document states.
The NSC understood that "the Soviet Union will be engaged in the unpredictable process of political succession to Brezhnev. The U.S. will not seek to adjust its policies to the Soviet internal conflict, but rather try to create incentives (positive and negative) for the new leadership to adopt policies less detrimental to the U.S. interests." Indeed, Brezhnev's succession was "unpredictable." Yuri Andropov immediately succeeded Brezhnev, only to die little more than a year later. Andropov was succeeded by Constantine Chernenko, who also died just over a year in office. Mikhail Gorbachev, the man who lead the Soviet Union through glasnost and perestroika and to its demise, took over in 1985.

Rollback -- Not Containment

NSDD 75 was based on a policy known as "rollback." Rollback was counter to the official U.S. policy of containment. U.S. diplomat George Kennan, who had spent much of World War II in the American embassy in Moscow, advised soon after the war that the U.S. should mount a "long-term, patient but firm and vigilant containment" of the Soviet Union. Simply, the U.S. and its allies should hold the Soviet Union in territories it occupied at the close of World War II. (For example, it had occupied all of Eastern Europe and northern Korea at war's end.)
Containment, as codified by the Truman Doctrine in 1946, became the main pillar of U.S. foreign policy. John Foster Dulles, who would become President Dwight D. Eisenhower's secretary of state in 1953, advocated another policy, however. That policy was rollback -- pushing the borders of Soviet client states back to prewar lines.
Dulles was also the man who coined the phrase "massive retaliation" for any American response to a Soviet attack on the U.S. or its allies. In his rhetoric, Dulles practiced "brinkmanship," seemingly pushing Communist countries to the brink of war to prove American steadfastness.
Ultimately, Dulles' ideas, including rollback never became official policy. Truman had tried it in Korea with disastrous results. U.S. and U.N. troops nearly succeeded in wresting North Korea from Communist control in 1950, but they drew Chinese troops into the war who forced them back into South Korea. In Vietnam, President Lyndon Johnson fought a limited war for fear of escalating the conflict and drawing China -- or the Soviets -- into that war.
But in NSDD 75, Reagan and the NSC decided to quietly (the document was top secret in 1983) adopt a policy of rollback without the Dulles dramatics of brinkmanship.

When President Ronald Reagan signed National Security Decision Directive 75 (NSDD 75) in January 1983, he started the process of rolling back the Soviet Union which he had long espoused. NSDD 75 would go beyond the policy of containment of the Soviet Union that the U.S. had held since 1946.
NSDD 75, drafted by Reagan's National Security Council, had three basic tenets. One, to pressure the Soviet Union externally with a military might and geographic positioning. Two, to exert internal pressure with an economic policy that moved the U.S.S.R. toward "a more pluralistic political and economic system in which the power of the privileged ruling elite is gradually reduced." Three, engage the Soviet Union in negotiations that exploited any gains achieved by the first two objectives.

Military Strength

Much of NSDD 75 was based on American military strength, which, in 1983, needed a great deal of repair. "The U.S. must modernize its military forces - both nuclear and conventional - so that Soviet leaders perceive that the U.S. is determined never to accept a second place or a deteriorating military posture," NSDD 75 states.
"Deteriorating military posture" was something of an understatement. A decade earlier, the U.S. had left Vietnam after its failed venture to prevent that country from going Communist. In 1975, just after South Vietnam fell to the Communist North, U.S. Marines were barely able to rescue the crew of the Mayaguez who had been captured by Cambodians of the Khmer Rouge. In 1979, an American military expedition failed to rescue Americans whom Islamic fundamentalists had taken hostage at the U.S. embassy in Tehran, Iran.
True to the directive, Reagan presided over the largest peacetime military buildup in U.S. history. By 1985, military spending had jumped from $142 billion a year to $286 billion a year. That included updates of the M1 Abrams tank, stealth fighter and bomber production, and updates of Cruise missiles. The era also saw the nation's military branches acquiring higher quality recruits than in the immediate post-Vietnam days, and they began focusing on tactical studies that had been all but abandoned in the 1960s.
In economic policy, NSDD 75 endeavored to:
  • "Ensure that East-West economic relations do not facilitate the Soviet military buildup. This requires prevention of the transfer of technology and equipment that would make a substantial contribution directly or indirectly to Soviet military power."
  • "Avoid subsidizing the Soviet economy or unduly easing the burden of Soviet resources allocation decisions, so as not to dilute pressures for structural change in the Soviet system."
  • "Minimize the potential for Soviet exercise of reverse leverage on Western countries based on trade, energy supply, and financial relationships."
  • "Permit mutual beneficial trade - without Western subsidization or the creation of Western dependence - with the USSR in non-strategic areas, such as grains."
NSDD 75 also called for the United States to keep traditional allies in "industrial democracies" under its wing; continue to oppose Soviet inroads into Third World areas, such as Central America; and to exploit Soviet weaknesses in Eastern Europe (where Polish rebellions were nearly three years old), Cuba, and Afghanistan. (Anyone who has seen Charlie Wilson's War knows of American efforts to turn the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan into the U.S.S.R.'s own "Vietnam.")
The directive suggested that "A continuing dialogue with the Soviets at Foreign Minister level facilitates necessary diplomatic communication with the Soviet leadership and helps to maintain Allied understanding and support for U.S. approach to East-West relations. A summit between President Reagan and his Soviet counterpart might promise similarly beneficial results." Reagan held a series of summit meetings with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, first in Geneva, Switzerland, then in Reykjavik, Iceland, that paved the way to new openness between their countries.
Finally, NSDD 75 encouraged a reaffirmation of basic American tenets to underscore its goals. "U.S. policy must have an ideological thrust which clearly affirms the superiority of U.S. and Western values of individual dignity and freedom, a free press, free trade unions, free enterprise, and political democracy over the repressive features of Soviet Communism," the document states.
In countless speeches and appearances, Reagan stressed just that. Dressed in blue suit, white shirt, and red tie -- with his perennial American flag lapel pin -- Reagan was the embodiment of NSDD 75. In his hands, the document became one of the true milestones of the Cold War between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.

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...and I am Sid Harth

The Reagan Doctrine

When President Ronald Reagan signed National Security Decision Directive 75 (NSDD 75) in January 1983, he started the process of rolling back the Soviet Union which he had long espoused. NSDD 75 would go beyond the policy of containment of the Soviet Union that the U.S. had held since 1946.
NSDD 75, drafted by Reagan's National Security Council, had three basic tenets. One, to pressure the Soviet Union externally with a military might and geographic positioning. Two, to exert internal pressure with an economic policy that moved the U.S.S.R. toward "a more pluralistic political and economic system in which the power of the privileged ruling elite is gradually reduced." Three, engage the Soviet Union in negotiations that exploited any gains achieved by the first two objectives.

Military Strength

Much of NSDD 75 was based on American military strength, which, in 1983, needed a great deal of repair. "The U.S. must modernize its military forces - both nuclear and conventional - so that Soviet leaders perceive that the U.S. is determined never to accept a second place or a deteriorating military posture," NSDD 75 states.
"Deteriorating military posture" was something of an understatement. A decade earlier, the U.S. had left Vietnam after its failed venture to prevent that country from going Communist. In 1975, just after South Vietnam fell to the Communist North, U.S. Marines were barely able to rescue the crew of the Mayaguez who had been captured by Cambodians of the Khmer Rouge. In 1979, an American military expedition failed to rescue Americans whom Islamic fundamentalists had taken hostage at the U.S. embassy in Tehran, Iran.
True to the directive, Reagan presided over the largest peacetime military buildup in U.S. history. By 1985, military spending had jumped from $142 billion a year to $286 billion a year. That included updates of the M1 Abrams tank, stealth fighter and bomber production, and updates of Cruise missiles. The era also saw the nation's military branches acquiring higher quality recruits than in the immediate post-Vietnam days, and they began focusing on tactical studies that had been all but abandoned in the 1960s.
In economic policy, NSDD 75 endeavored to:
  • "Ensure that East-West economic relations do not facilitate the Soviet military buildup. This requires prevention of the transfer of technology and equipment that would make a substantial contribution directly or indirectly to Soviet military power."
  • "Avoid subsidizing the Soviet economy or unduly easing the burden of Soviet resources allocation decisions, so as not to dilute pressures for structural change in the Soviet system."
  • "Minimize the potential for Soviet exercise of reverse leverage on Western countries based on trade, energy supply, and financial relationships."
  • "Permit mutual beneficial trade - without Western subsidization or the creation of Western dependence - with the USSR in non-strategic areas, such as grains."
NSDD 75 also called for the United States to keep traditional allies in "industrial democracies" under its wing; continue to oppose Soviet inroads into Third World areas, such as Central America; and to exploit Soviet weaknesses in Eastern Europe (where Polish rebellions were nearly three years old), Cuba, and Afghanistan. (Anyone who has seen Charlie Wilson's War knows of American efforts to turn the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan into the U.S.S.R.'s own "Vietnam.")
The directive suggested that "A continuing dialogue with the Soviets at Foreign Minister level facilitates necessary diplomatic communication with the Soviet leadership and helps to maintain Allied understanding and support for U.S. approach to East-West relations. A summit between President Reagan and his Soviet counterpart might promise similarly beneficial results." Reagan held a series of summit meetings with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, first in Geneva, Switzerland, then in Reykjavik, Iceland, that paved the way to new openness between their countries.
Finally, NSDD 75 encouraged a reaffirmation of basic American tenets to underscore its goals. "U.S. policy must have an ideological thrust which clearly affirms the superiority of U.S. and Western values of individual dignity and freedom, a free press, free trade unions, free enterprise, and political democracy over the repressive features of Soviet Communism," the document states.
In countless speeches and appearances, Reagan stressed just that. Dressed in blue suit, white shirt, and red tie -- with his perennial American flag lapel pin -- Reagan was the embodiment of NSDD 75. In his hands, the document became one of the true milestones of the Cold War between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.
Steve Jones

Snowden affair


Snowden affair blunts U.S. push for China to curb cyber theft

WASHINGTON | Mon Jul 8, 2013 9:53pm EDT
(Reuters) - Revelations by former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden will make it harder for the United States to confront China at talks this week over the alleged cyber theft of trade secrets worth hundreds of billions of dollars a year.
Snowden's disclosures of American electronic surveillance around the world give China an argument to counter U.S. complaints that it steals private intellectual property (IP) from U.S. companies and research centers.
Cyber security is at the center of high-level talks between the two countries in Washington that will show whether a positive tone struck by President Barack Obama and new Chinese President Xi Jinping at a summit last month can translate into cooperation on difficult issues.
Top U.S. officials, from Obama down, have long tried to convince China to recognize a clear line between the kind of cyber espionage by spy agencies revealed by Snowden and the theft of technology.
"This Snowden thing has muddied the waters in a terrible way," said James McGregor, author of a book on China's authoritarian capitalism and industrial policy.
"China would rather have the waters muddy, because they can say 'You do it. We do it. What's the big deal?' and the cyber theft from companies will go on and on," he said by telephone from China, where he is senior counselor for APCO Worldwide, a U.S. business consultancy.
At the talks, U.S. officials will press China on cyber theft, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said last week, describing the problem as "just different from other kinds of issues in the cyber area.
Many countries spy on each other, but U.S. officials say China is unique in the amount of state-sponsored IP theft it carries out as it tries to catch up with the United States in economic power and technological prowess.
Last week the U.S. Department of Justice charged Chinese wind turbine maker Sinovel Wind Group Co and two of its employees with stealing software source code from U.S.-based AMSC worth $800 million.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce hopes "to see a clear indication that China recognizes thefts of trade secrets, whether by cyber or other means, is stealing property and will bring the full force of its laws to curb this," said Jeremie Waterman, the group's senior director for Greater China.
Beijing parries complaints about Chinese hacking into the computers of U.S. businesses by saying China is itself a major victim of cyber espionage. Chinese officials have dismissed as unconvincing recent U.S. official and private-sector reports attributing large-scale hacking of American networks to China.
China's official Xinhua news agency said last month the Snowden case showed the United States was "the biggest villain in our age" and a hypocrite for complaining about Chinese cyber attacks.
On Tuesday, the Communist Party's People's Daily attacked the United States for a hypocritical internet policy of defending hacking in the name of national security when it suited Washington's purposes.
"Differentiating hacking attacks as 'good' and 'bad' is a double standard when it comes to internet security," the newspaper's overseas edition said in a front page comment.
China's stance seems to be stiffened by Snowden's revelations of widespread surveillance by the National Security Agency and his assertion that the agency hacked into critical network infrastructure at universities in China and Hong Kong.
Snowden fled to Hong Kong before his leaks to newspapers became public last month, and then went to Moscow, where he is believed to be holed up in the transit area of the Sheremetyevo airport, trying to find a country to give him sanctuary.
Now in their fifth year, the annual U.S.-Chinese talks, known as the Strategic and Economic Dialogue, will cover topics from U.S. concerns about North Korea's nuclear weapons and expanding military ties to climate change and access to Chinese financial markets.
China's exchange-rate policy is on the agenda, although it has receded as an issue with the gradual strengthening of the yuan and a reduction of huge current account imbalances.
This year U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Lew host Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi and Vice Premier Wang Yang for the first such dialogue session since China's once-a-decade leadership change in March, when Xi took over.
The meetings follow Obama's summit last month with Xi in California, where the two men developed what aides called a productive relationship. Nevertheless, Obama demanded Chinese action to halt what he called "out of bounds" cyber spying.
Officials from the two countries discussed international law and practices in cyberspace at low-level talks on Monday. Cyber security will feature at other meetings during the week that are also likely to address U.S. accusations that Beijing gained access electronically to Pentagon weapons designs.
IP theft costs U.S. businesses $320 billion a year, a sum equivalent to annual U.S. exports to Asia, the authors of a recent report say.
China accounts for between 50 percent and 80 percent of IP theft suffered by U.S. firms, the Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property, a bipartisan group of former U.S. officials, said in a May report.
Cyber theft of industrial designs, business strategies and trade secrets is just a part of IP pilfering.
IP theft also involves "planted employees, bribed employees, employees who were appealed to on the basis of nationalism and all the traditional means of espionage, often accompanied by cyber," said Richard Ellings, president of the National Bureau of Asian Research think tank, who co-wrote the report.
The U.S. District Court in Manhattan charged three New York University researchers in May with conspiring to take bribes from Chinese medical and research outfits for details about NYU research into magnetic resonance imaging technology.
Arrests by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Homeland Security Department for IP infringements rose 159 percent and indictments increased 264 percent from 2009 to 2013, a June report by the U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator showed.
The Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property called for tough penalties including banking sanctions, bans on imports and blacklisting in U.S. financial markets.
(Additional reporting by Ben Blanchard in BEIJING; Editing by Alistair Bell, Xavier Briand and Clarence Fernandez)

 Source: Reuters

...and I am Sid Harth

Happy Ramadan 2013


When is Ramadan in 2013?

Ramadan in 2013 will start on Tuesday, the 9th of July and will continue for 30 days until Wednesday, the 7th of August.
Based on sightability in North America, in 2013 Ramadan will start in North America a day later - on Wednesday, the 10th of July.
Note that in the Muslim calander, a holiday begins on the sunset of the previous day, so observing Muslims will celebrate Ramadan on the sunset of Monday, the 8th of July.

Ramadan 2013: Facts, History, Dates, Greeting And Rules Of The Muslim Fast

Posted:   |  Updated: 07/08/2013 1:45 pm EDT
What are the dates of Ramadan?
Because the cycle of the lunar calendar does not match the solar calendar, the dates of Ramadan shifts by approximately 11 days each year. In 2011, Ramadan began on August 1st. In 2012 Ramadan began on July 20th. In 2013, Ramadan is expected to begin on the evening of July 8th with the first full day of fasting on July 9th.
The ending of Ramadan is marked by the holiday of Eid ul-Fitr, which takes place either 29 or 30 days after the beginning of the month. On Eid ul-Fitr, morning prayers are followed by feasting and celebration among family and friends. This year Eid ul-Fitr will most probably fall on Wednesday, August 7.
What is the history of Ramadan?
Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar. The term Ramadan literally means scorching in Arabic. It was established as a Holy Month for Muslims after the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad in 610 CE on the occasion known as Laylat al-Qadr, frequently translated as "the Night of Power.
Observance of Ramadan is mandated in the Quran, Surah 2, Ayah 185:

“The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur'an, guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey - then an equal number of other days. Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and perhaps you will be grateful.”
What are the daily fasting requirements?
During the month of Ramadan, most Muslims fast from dawn to sunset with no food or water. Before sunrise many Muslims have the Suhur or predawn meal. At sunset families and friends gather for Iftar which is the meal eaten by Muslims to break the fast. Many Muslims begin the meal by eating dates as the Prophet used to do.
This ritual fast known as, Sawm, is one of the five pillars of Islam, and requires that individuals abstain from eating, drinking, smoking and sexual intercourse.
To find the specific times for Ramadan fasting, click over to this helpful tool provided by IslamiCity that allows you to calculate prayer schedules -- including sunup and sundown -- by entering your city or zip code.
What are the expectations towards charity?
Charity is an important part of Ramadan. The fast emphasizes self-sacrifice and using the experience of hunger to grow in empathy with the hungry. During Ramadan, Muslim communities work together to raise money for the poor, donate clothes and food, and hold iftar dinners for the less fortunate.
What scriptural study do Muslims take part in?
Many Muslims use Ramadan to read the entire Quran or read the Quran daily. Many communities divide the Quran into daily reading segments that conclude on Eid ul-Fitr at the end of Ramadan.
Can non-Muslims participate?
Non-Muslims are free to participate in Ramadam. Many non-Muslims fast and even pray with their Muslim friends or family members. Non-Muslims are often invited to attend prayer and iftar dinners.
Those wishing to be polite to someone who is fasting for Ramadan may greet them with Ramadan Mubarak or Ramadan Kareem, which mean Have a Blessed or Generous Ramadan.
Should Muslims with diabetes fast?
Fasting during Ramadan is discouraged for patients with diabetes by the American Diabetes Association.

“In keeping with this, a large epidemiological study conducted in 13 Islamic countries on 12,243 individuals with diabetes who fasted during Ramadan showed a high rate of acute complications.”
However, the study says this was not conclusive. Many diabetic patients fasted with no complications. Patients with diabetes should work with their doctors to figure out a strategy if they choose to fast.
What is the 'goal' of Ramadan?
In general, the practices of Ramadan are meant to purify oneself from thoughts and deeds which are counter to Islam. By removing material desires, one is able to focus fully on devotion and service to God. Many Muslims go beyond the physical ritual of fasting and attempt to purge themselves of impure thoughts and motivations such as anger, cursing, and greed.
Do all Muslims take part in Ramadan fasting?
Most Muslims believe Ramadan fasting is mandatory, but there are some groups that do not. Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, people who are seriously sick, travelers, or those at health risk should not fast. Children that have not gone through puberty are also not required to fast during the month Ramadan.

Douglas Waller: Wild Bill Donovan


Swashbuckling Spymaster

In January 1940, William J. Donovan sat in a Manhattan radio studio plugging “The Fighting 69th,” a Hollywood movie about the cocky, mostly Irish New York regiment whose exploits during World War I had made Donovan a national hero and earned him the Medal of Honor. The release of the film, starring James Cagney and Pat O’Brien, with George Brent as the rakishly handsome Donovan, put the then wealthy and well-connected corporate attorney back in the spotlight just at the moment President Franklin Roosevelt was looking for men who could help mobilize the country for war.

William J. Donovan in 1948.


The Spymaster Who Created the OSS and Modern American Espionage
By Douglas Waller
Illustrated. 466 pp. Free Press. $30.

Roosevelt and Donovan could not have been more different, Douglas Waller writes in this entertaining history, and it was, at best, an uneasy alliance. They came from divergent backgrounds — one the scion of an old aristocratic family, the other a poor Irish Catholic boy from Buffalo — and barely acknowledged each other while at Columbia Law School. They were also members of opposing political parties, and the fiercely Republican Donovan, during a failed bid to become governor of New York in 1932, campaigned not only against his rival for the office, Herbert Lehman, but also against Roosevelt’s domestic policies, and ridiculed him as a dictator with “delusions of grandeur.” But the growing military crisis in Europe gave them a common cause.

In June 1940, Roosevelt tapped Donovan for a confidential mission to Britain. His assignment was to gauge the situation there, and determine the validity of Ambassador Joseph Kennedy’s assertion that the British had neither the will nor the means to beat back a German attack. Donovan returned to Washington with the optimistic message that Britain could fight on, but only with American military equipment and destroyers, and lobbied hard for aid, inspiring the columnist Walter Lippmann to gush that his findings “almost singlehandedly overcame the unmitigated defeatism which was paralyzing Washington.” More secret missions followed, and by July 1941, Roosevelt had become sufficiently impressed with Donovan’s sense of purpose and swashbuckling style to charge him with creating a new civilian intelligence agency, soon to be known as the Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.), which would carry out secret activities abroad and analyze information related to national defense.

“The feuding fiefdoms” of the Army, Navy and State Department had little sympathy for Roosevelt’s new spymaster, but Donovan’s “most implacable foe” was J. Edgar Hoover, the ambitious director of the F.B.I., who resented the brash interloper’s meddling in his bureau, and who regarded him from the outset as a threat to his power. The central villain of “Wild Bill Donovan,” Hoover was a bachelor who still lived at home with his mother, obsessed over cleanliness and was sensitive about his height. Add to this that he was untalented at sports, earned his law degree at night school and got a draft exemption from the Army, and it’s easy to see why he felt competitive with the macho Donovan.

As the two rival intelligence chiefs aggressively expanded their empires, their run-ins grew more frequent. Waller, the author of several books on the military, writes that “it was not long before both men began keeping files on each other.” Hoover was particularly incensed that Donovan was close to William Stephenson, Churchill’s leading spy in the United States, who had long been an irritant to Hoover. He maintained a dossier filled with dirt about Donovan’s unseemly ties to British intelligence as well as his flagrant womanizing, while the O.S.S. chief accumulated reports that the F.B.I. director was homosexual.
Roosevelt, who liked playing his top advisers off one another, read Hoover’s “poison-pen memos” about Donovan’s unconventional, and often undiplomatic, methods, but refused to dismantle the fledgling spy agency. The president had been enamored with intrigue since his youth, and enjoyed reading inside information and scandalous tidbits from around the world, describing Donovan favorably to friends as “my secret legs.”

During the war years, while Donovan traversed the globe developing his spy network and becoming an influential player in international affairs, Hoover remained in Washington plotting and scheming. It was not hard to find fault with the overreaching Donovan, who was spread way too thin, and was seemingly willing to try almost anything; even his own aides worried that he jumped “at too many jobs and offbeat ideas.”
Soon, as Waller demonstrates, Donovan was irritating almost everyone, running roughshod over the military, and leaving a long trail of bruised egos behind him. By late 1944, some O.S.S. intelligence failures, like a bungled operation in Italy, began to leak to the press, and there was speculation — stoked by Hoover — that Donovan and his O.S.S. were on their way out.

None of this helped Donovan when it came to the most ambitious initiative he wanted Roosevelt to approve — a future central intelligence agency with himself at the helm. Usually one step ahead of his adversaries, the O.S.S. chief was caught short in early 1945 when his secret proposal was leaked to the conservative Washington Times-Herald, and savaged as a “super spy system” with plans for a powerful domestic police force on a par with the Gestapo. Donovan tried to counter the negative press with a media blitz of his own but the damage was done, and his hopes of making the O.S.S. a permanent postwar institution were dead.
Donovan blamed Hoover for the leak and instigated a full-scale criminal investigation to find proof. He remained bitter about the incident in later years, convinced the F.B.I. director sabotaged him in order to ensure his own position as spy czar. What Donovan never wanted to admit, however, was that in his own ruthless drive for power he had alienated too many powerful constituencies, and had left himself and his agency vulnerable to attack. When Roosevelt died, he lost his protector. The newly sworn-in Harry Truman, busy downsizing the government, did not think twice about abolishing the O.S.S. and dividing its functions between the War and State Departments. After his four years of dedicated service, Donovan was dismissed with a perfunctory form letter.

Yet Donovan did not have to wait long to see his dream of a central intelligence agency realized. Not two years later, with the onset of the cold war, Truman asked Congress to approve the creation of the C.I.A. Donovan hoped to be named director, but there was little chance that Truman would turn to him. He remained hopeful after Dwight Eisenhower became president. But in 1953 the job went to Donovan’s protégé, Allen Dulles. Instead of being proud that one of his own men was put in charge, and that the spirit of his organization would live on, Donovan was annoyed at being passed over for an underling.

This book is not the place to seek a comprehensive appraisal of the O.S.S.’s far-flung intelligence operations. Its many successes and debacles are only hastily sketched here. Waller is more concerned with the politics of personality, and the legacy of Donovan’s complex, larger-than-life character. As he amply shows, Donovan was a combination of bold innovator and imprudent rule bender, which made him not only a remarkable wartime leader but also an extraordinary figure in American history.

Jennet Conant’s latest book, “A Covert ­Affair: Julia and Paul Child in the OSS,” will be published this spring.
Personal Note: I have many friends, thank almighty God, for small blessings. As I was getting my gear, my beach umbrella, my galoshes, my life-savers, not that silly device, they throw at you, just when you are trying to find the difference between low point and the high point of your life, in the middle of choppy waters, the mints, breath fresheners, with a hole in the middle, my fishing gear, a bucket of water, bunch of live baits, tackle, hooks, sinkers and a happy puppy, not too happy to be outdoors, today, as the sky is depressingly gray, with patchy clusters of dark, mean clouds, I get poked, literally, by my bosom buddy, the bosom part,  applies to her, more than to me, "Youzi-youza" Mary utters in a very low, almost guttural tones, see, Mary ain't what she used to be, what with her age related, arthritis, asthma, overweight, both in her upper and lower torso and fading (in content) curly-top, "what the fuck am I seeing, an old, dilapidated, fat as a pig, big-buddy of mine, Sid?"
Frankly, I never felt so amused by a person with a tongue as acidic, to some extent, utterly with venom, grret me with the most kind words. More on Mary's other (self) expressions, later.
"Mary, you know, as well as yours truly, my fucking days are over. Not that a reference to my (past) glory-days ain't inspiring, I remain, yours truly (friend in need is friend indeed)."
After joshing and pulling each others legs and other unmentionable body parts, we settled down to a friendly discussion of life, afterlife, life in between orgies, and most of all, our current (book) reading (habits).
Mary got so excited over this ordinary, kitchen garden variety of lackluster topic, that she bolted from the scene of the crime, namely, a dock on the bay, and waddled thru small and large puddles to fetch her books that she forgot to return to the library in time.
I found this one, overdue by almost eleven months, most interesting.

...and I am Sid Harth

Bill Donovan


William J. Donovan

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

William J. Donovan
William Donovan.jpg
Cmoh army.jpg
Birth nameWilliam Joseph Donovan
Nickname"Wild Bill"
BornJanuary 1, 1883
Buffalo, New York
DiedFebruary 8, 1959 (aged 76)
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Washington, D.C.
Place of burialArlington National Cemetery
Allegiance United States of America
Service/branchNew York Guard
United States Army
Years of service1912 - 1916, 1919 - 1922 (State Guard)
1916 – 1919, 1941 – 1945 (Army)
RankUS-O8 insignia.svgMajor General
Commands held165th Infantry Regiment
(World War I)
Office of Strategic Services
(World War II)
Battles/warsWorld War I
World War II
AwardsMedal of Honor
Distinguished Service Cross
Distinguished Service Medal (3)
Purple Heart (2)
National Security Medal
Freedom Award[1]
Other workU.S. Attorney
United States Ambassador to Thailand
Wall Street
William Joseph ("Wild Bill") Donovan (January 1, 1883 – February 8, 1959) was a United States soldier, lawyer, intelligence officer and diplomat. Donovan is best remembered as the wartime head of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during World War II. He is also known as the "Father of American Intelligence" and the "Father of Central Intelligence".[2][3]
A decorated veteran of World War I, General Donovan is the only person to have received the four highest awards in the United States: The Medal of Honor, the Distinguished Service Cross, the Distinguished Service Medal, and the National Security Medal.[4] He is also a recipient of the Silver Star and Purple Heart.


Early life

Of Irish descent, Donovan was born in Buffalo, New York to first generation immigrants Anna Letitia "Tish" Donovan (née Lennon) and Timothy P. Donovan, of Ulster and County Cork origins respectively. His grandfather Timothy O'Donovan (Sr.) was from the town of Skibbereen, being raised there by an uncle, a parish priest, and married Donovan's grandmother Mary Mahoney, who belonged to a propertied family of substantial means which disapproved of him. They would move first to Canada and then to New York, where their son Timothy (Jr.), Donovan's father, would attempt to engage in a political career, but with little success.
William Joseph attended St. Joseph's Collegiate Institute and Niagara University before starring on the football team at Columbia University. On the field, he earned the nickname "Wild Bill", which would remain with him for the rest of his life.[2][5] Donovan graduated from Columbia in 1905 and was a member of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity,[2][6] as well as the Knights of Malta.[7]
Donovan was a graduate of Columbia Law School and became an influential Wall Street lawyer.
In 1912, Donovan formed and led a troop of cavalry of the New York State Militia.[8] This unit was mobilized in 1916 and served on the U.S.-Mexico border during the American government's campaign against Pancho Villa.[8]

World War I

Donovan as a Major with the Fighting 69th in France in 1918.
During World War I, Major Donovan organized and led the 1st battalion of the 165th Regiment of the 42nd Division, the federalized designation of the famed 69th New York Volunteers, (the "Fighting 69th"). In France one of his aides was poet Joyce Kilmer, a fellow Columbia College alumnus. For his service near Landres-et-St. Georges, France, on 14 and 15 October 1918, he received the Medal of Honor. By the end of the war he received a promotion to colonel, the Distinguished Service Cross and two Purple Hearts (the full text of his Medal of Honor citation can be found further below).

Between the wars

Donovan in 1924, during his time in the Department of Justice
From 1922 to 1924, he was US Attorney for the Western District of New York, famous for his energetic enforcement of Prohibition. In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge named Donovan to the United States Department of Justice's Antitrust Division as a deputy assistant to Attorney General Harry M. Daugherty.[8]
Donovan ran unsuccessfully as a Republican for Lieutenant Governor of New York in 1922, and for Governor of New York in 1932.[9] Assisting Donovan in his 1932 campaign was journalist James J. Montague, who served as "personal adviser and campaign critic."[10]

World War II

During the interwar years, Donovan traveled extensively in Europe and met with foreign leaders including Benito Mussolini of Italy. Donovan openly believed during this time that a second major European war was inevitable. His foreign experience and realism earned him the attention and friendship of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The two men were from opposing political parties, but were similar in personality. Because of this, Roosevelt came to highly value Donovan's insights. Following Germany's invasion of Poland in September 1939 and the start of World War II in Europe, President Roosevelt began to put the United States on a war footing. This was a crisis of the sort that Donovan had predicted, and he sought out a responsible place in the wartime infrastructure. On the recommendation of Donovan's friend United States Secretary of the NavyFrank Knox, Roosevelt gave him a number of increasingly important assignments. In 1940 and 1941, Donovan traveled as an informal emissary to Britain, where he was urged by Knox and Roosevelt to gauge Britain's ability to withstand Germany's aggression. During these trips, Donovan met with key officials in the British war effort, including Winston Churchill and the directors of Britain's intelligence services. Donovan returned to the US confident of Britain's chances and enamored with the possibility of founding an American intelligence service modeled on that of the British.


On July 11, 1941, Donovan was named Coordinator of Information (COI). America's foreign intelligence organizations at the time were fragmented and isolated from each other. The Army, Navy, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), United States Department of State, and other interests each ran their own intelligence operations, the results of which they were reluctant to share with the other departments. Donovan was the nominal director of this unwieldy system, but was plagued over the course of the next year with jurisdictional battles. Few of the leaders in the intelligence community were willing to part with any of the power that the current ad hoc system granted them. The FBI, for example, under the control of Donovan's rival J. Edgar Hoover, insisted on retaining its autonomy in South America.
Nevertheless, Donovan began to lay the groundwork for a centralized intelligence program. It was he who organized the COI's New York headquarters in Room 3603 of Rockefeller Center in October, 1941 and asked Allen Dulles to head it; the offices Dulles took over had been the location of the operations of Britain's MI6.
In 1942, the COI became the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and Donovan was returned to active duty in his World War I rank of colonel (by war's end, he would be promoted to major general). Under his leadership the OSS would eventually conduct successful espionage and sabotage operations in Europe and parts of Asia, but continued to be kept out of South America as a result of Hoover's hostility to Donovan. In addition, the OSS was blocked from the Philippines by the antipathy of General Douglas MacArthur, the commander of the Southwest Pacific Theater.
For many years the operations of the OSS remained secret, but in the 1970s and 1980s, significant parts of the OSS history were declassified and became public record.
As World War II began to wind to a close in early 1945, Donovan began to focus on preserving the OSS beyond the end of the war. After President Roosevelt's death in April, however, Donovan's political position, which had thrived because of his personal relationship to the President, was substantially weakened. Although he argued forcefully for the OSS's retention, he found himself opposed by numerous opponents, including President Harry S. Truman, who personally disliked Donovan, as well as J. Edgar Hoover, who viewed the OSS as competition for his goal to expand the FBI's investigative operations internationally. Public opinion turned against Donovan's efforts when conservative critics rallied against the intelligence service that they called an 'American Gestapo.' After Truman disbanded the OSS in September 1945, Donovan returned to civilian life. Various departments of the OSS survived the agency's dissolution, however, and less than two years later the Central Intelligence Agency was founded, a realization of Donovan's hopes for a centralized peacetime intelligence agency.

Role in formation of the CIA

Donovan did not have an official role in the newly formed CIA but with his protégé Allen Dulles and others, he was instrumental in its formation. Having led the OSS during World War II, Donovan’s opinion was especially influential as to what kind of intelligence organization was needed as a bi-polar post-war world began to take shape. Although he was a force to be reckoned with, his idea for consolidating intelligence met with strong opposition from the State, War and Navy Departments and J. Edgar Hoover. President Truman was inclined to create an organization that would gather and disseminate foreign intelligence; Donovan argued that the new agency should also be able to conduct covert action. Truman was unenthusiastic about this additional authority, but Donovan's arguments prevailed and were reflected in the National Security Act of 1947 and the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949. In 1946, Truman appointed Rear Admiral Sidney Souers, USNR, as the first Director of Central Intelligence. This was an important first step but the actual creation of the CIA required another persuasive voice, that of Hoyt Vandenberg. In 1947 Rear Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter was appointed as the first Director of the CIA.[11]

Post-war era

After the war ended, Donovan reverted to his lifelong role as a lawyer to perform one last duty: he served as special assistant to chief prosecutorTelford Taylor at several trials following the main Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal in Germany. There he had the personal satisfaction of seeing the Nazi leaders responsible for the torture and murder of captured OSS agents brought to justice. For his World War II service, Donovan received the Distinguished Service Medal, the highest American military decoration for outstanding non-combat service. He also received an honorary British knighthood.
At the conclusion of the Nazi war criminal trials, Donovan returned to Wall Street and his highly successful law firm, Donovan, Leisure, Newton & Irvine. He remained always available to postwar Presidents who requested his advice on intelligence matters.
In 1949 he became chairman of the newly-founded American Committee on United Europe, which worked to counter the new Communist threat to Europe by promoting European political unity.
In 1953 President Dwight Eisenhower appointed Donovan Ambassador to Thailand. He served in that capacity until his resignation in 1954.
Donovan's son, David Rumsey Donovan, was a naval officer who served with distinction in World War II. His grandson, William James Donovan, served as an enlisted soldier in Vietnam and is also buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

Death and legacy

Donovan died from complications of vascular dementia on February 8, 1959, at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, in Washington, D.C. at the age of 76, and is buried in Section 2 of Arlington National Cemetery.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower referred to him as "the Last Hero", which later became the title of a biography of him. After his death, Donovan was awarded the Freedom Award of the International Rescue Committee (not, as some biographies state, the "Medal of Freedom", a different award).
The law firm he founded, Donovan, Leisure, Newton & Irvine was dissolved in 1998.
His home Chapel Hill near Berryville, Virginia, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2004.[12] Major General Donovan is a member of the Military Intelligence Hall of Fame.

Awards and decorations

U.S. awards
Medal of Honor
Distinguished Service Cross
Bronze oak leaf cluster
Bronze oak leaf cluster
Distinguished Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters
Silver Star
Bronze oak leaf cluster
Purple Heart with one oak leaf cluster
National Security Medal
Mexican Border Service Medal
World War I Victory Medal with 5 campaign bars
Army of Occupation of Germany Medal
American Defense Service Medal
American Campaign Medal
Bronze star
Bronze star
Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal with Arrowhead device and 2 bronze service stars
Silver star
Silver star
Bronze star
Bronze star
European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with Arrowhead device, two silver service stars, and two bronze service stars
World War II Victory Medal
Army of Occupation Medal with Germany clasp
Armed Forces Reserve Medal with one ten-year hourglass device
Foreign awards
Légion d'honneur (France) (World War I)
Commandeur de la Légion d'honneur (France) (World War II)
Silver star
Croix de guerre with Palm and Silver Star (France) (World War I)
Honorary Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
Papal Lateran Cross (Vatican) (Italian: Croce Lateranese)
Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Sylvester (Vatican) (Italian: Ordine di San Silvestro Papa)
Order of the Crown (Italy) (Italian: Ordine della Corona d'Italia)
Croce al Merito di Guerra (Italy)
Commander's Cross with Star of the Order of Polonia Restituta (Poland)
Grand Officer of the Order of Léopold of Belgium with Palm
Czechoslovakian War Cross (1939)
Grand Officer of the Order of Orange Nassau (Netherlands)
Grand Cross of the Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav (Norway)
Knight Grand Cross (First Class) of The Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant (Thailand)

Medal of Honor citation

Rank and organization: Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, 165th Infantry, 42d Division. Place and date: Near Landres-et-St. Georges, France, 14–15 October 1918. Entered service at: Buffalo, N.Y. Born: 1 January 1883, Buffalo, N.Y. G.O., No.: 56, W.D., 1922.
Lt. Col. Donovan personally led the assaulting wave in an attack upon a very strongly organized position, and when our troops were suffering heavy casualties he encouraged all near him by his example, moving among his men in exposed positions, reorganizing decimated platoons, and accompanying them forward in attacks. When he was wounded in the leg by machine-gun bullets, he refused to be evacuated and continued with his unit until it withdrew to a less exposed position.[13]

See also


  1. ^International Rescue Committee Freedom Award
  2. ^ abcCIA: Look Back … Gen. William J. Donovan Heads Office of Strategic Services
  3. ^CIA: William J. Donovan and the National Security
  4. ^William J. Wild Bill Donovan, Major General, United States Army. Arlingtoncemetery.net. Retrieved on 2012-08-27.
  5. ^Brown 1982, p. 56.
  6. ^Keehn 1910, p. 68.
  7. ^Phelan, Matthew (2011-02-28) Seymour Hersh and the men who want him committed, Salon.com
  8. ^ abcThomas A. Rumer, The American Legion: A Official HIstory, 1919-1989. New York: M. Evans and Co., 1990; pg. 107.
  9. ^Lawrence Kestenbaum, "William Joseph Donovan, (1883-1959)," The Political Graveyard, politicalgraveyard.com/
  10. ^"James Montague, Versifier, Is Dead," New York Times, December 17, 1941
  11. ^Clifford, Clark, Counsel To The President, A Memoir, New York: Random House, 1991, 165-66.
  12. ^"National Register Information System". National Register of Historic Places. National Park Service. 2010-07-09.
  13. ^Medal of Honor recipients - World War I

Further reading

  • Donovan and the CIA: A History of the Establishment of the Central Intelligence Agency by Thomas F. Troy, CIA Center for the Study of Intelligence, 1981.
  • Brown, Anthony Cave (1982). Wild Bill Donovan: The Last Hero. New York: Times Books. ISBN 978-0-8129-1021-6. OCLC 123143243.
  • Lovell, Stanley P (1964). Of spies & stratagems. Pocket Books. ASIN B0007ESKHE.
  • Douglas C. Waller (2011), Wild Bill Donovan: The Spymaster Who Created the OSS and Modern American Espionage, New York: Free Press, ISBN 1-4165-6744-5.
  • Duffy's War: Fr. Francis Duffy, Wild Bill Donovan, and the Irish Fighting 69th in World War I, by Stephen L. Harris, Potomac Books, 2006.
  • OSS: The Secret History of America's First Central Intelligence Agency, by R. Harris Smith, University of California Press, 1972.
  • Allen Dulles: Master of Spies, by James Srodes, Washington: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 1999.
  • Fr. Francis Patrick Duffy (1919), Father Duffy's Story, New York: George H. Doran Company.
  • A Doughboy with the Fighting 69th, by Albert M. and A. Churchill Ettinger, Simon & Schuster, 1992.
  • The Shamrock Battalion of the Rainbow: A Story of the Fighting Sixty-Ninth, by Martin J. Hogan, D. Appleton, 1919.
  • Into Siam, by Nicol and Blake Clark, Bobbs-Merrill, 1946.
  • No Banners, No Bands, by Robert Alcorn, D. McKay, 1965.
  • Americans All, the Rainbow at War: The Official History of the 42nd Rainbow Division in the World War, by Henry J. Reilly, F.J. Heer, 1936.
  • William Stevenson (1976/2009), A Man Called Intrepid: The Incredible WWII Narrative of the Hero Whose Spy Network and Secret Diplomacy Changed the Course of History, New York: Lyons.
  • Keehn, Roy D. (1910). Grand Catalogue of the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity (7th ed.). Chicago: Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity. OCLC 5469453.

External links

Party political offices
Preceded by
Charles Tuttle
Republican Nominee for Governor of New York
Succeeded by
Robert Moses

Edward Snowden


Russian Official: Snowden Accepts Asylum Offer

Edward Snowden, who worked as a contract employee at the National Security Agency, in Hong Kong, June 9, 2013.

The head of the Russian parliament's foreign affairs committee says Edward Snowden has accepted Venezuela's offer of political asylum.

Alexei Pushkov made the statement on his Twitter account Tuesday. The message did not clarify how he learned of Snowden's purported acceptance, but Pushkov has acted as an unofficial point-man for the Kremlin on the Snowden affair.

Snowden, who revealed details of a U.S. intelligence program to monitor Internet activity, came to Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport on June 23 and was believed to be headed for Cuba. But he did not board that flight and has not been seen since. He is widely believed to be still in the airport's transit zone.

External links are provided for reference purposes. ABC News is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. Copyright © 2013 ABC News Internet Ventures. Yahoo! - ABC News Network 
...and I am Sid Harth

1900th Post @elcidharth.com


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मूर्ख महामणी बिण्या वानर उवाच878 0.27 %
Murders in Mumbai876 0.27 %
अथ राज्यस्य खंडस्फुटप्रतीसंस्करण क्रियाकर्मकृती इति876 0.27 %
My Dear Fareed Zakaria, I am Your Uncle, Sid Harth@webworldismyoyster.com872 0.27 %
I Walk like an Egyptian, I Think869 0.27 %
Waiting for Godot, Oops, God Particle, Higgs boson854 0.27 %
My dear Leon, Oops, "Lion" E Panetta, I am Sid Harth.849 0.26 %
Syria, Oops, Tunisia, Tunaciously, Seriously848 0.26 %
Of History, American Presidents, Robert Dallek and I846 0.26 %
Enter Venter, Exit God?: Sid Harth824 0.26 %
My Dear Dylan Brewer, I am Sid Harth.824 0.26 %
Boy Scouts of America: "Devil made me do it."822 0.26 %
Oh-Man v Mitt-Man, Round and Round They go (Nowhere in Particular)798 0.25 %
Hi Barack! vaya con dios loco.794 0.25 %
US (Fucked-up) Foreign Policy and I780 0.24 %
Shady-Ever-Ready-Big-Daddy, CIA Shedding in Iraq, I Think779 0.24 %
Philippa, Oops, Hoopla Gregory and I775 0.24 %
Face of Boy-Billionaire: RED766 0.24 %
"Send in the clowns"766 0.24 %
Of Roads, Hot Rods, Paul Ingrassia and I760 0.24 %
Throw FDA in Jail756 0.24 %
CIA, Oops, CIC and I, Oops, MOI745 0.23 %
Conservative Babbling Brook, Oops, Crook, Jonathan Krohn744 0.23 %
grêle François Hollande, Oups, Napoléon Bonaparte II?738 0.23 %
Of Human Rights, US Media Wrongs and I728 0.23 %
Demolish Jewish Ghetto, Israel728 0.23 %
Drummer-boy, Paul Craig Roberts and I727 0.23 %
(Official) PRESS (Un) Release. For Immediate (Un) publishing.726 0.23 %
¡Hola Hollande Adiós StarCrazy, Oops, Sarkozy715 0.22 %
Condi Rice, B Nice710 0.22 %
Of Sovereign Nations, CIA Assassinations Plots and I705 0.22 %
Mon cher Lefigaro.fr avec AFP, Je suis Sid Harth.701 0.22 %
Cyber War, Stuxnet, Barack Obama and I698 0.22 %
Vive la France, I hope698 0.22 %
Goodbye Mitt Romney, Nice knowing you697 0.22 %
My dear Mitt Romney, I am Sid Harth.691 0.22 %
My Dear Obamanians, Oops, Obamaniacs, Oops, Obamians, I am Sid Harth686 0.21 %
Pardon my French, GoFuCkYoMaMa!682 0.21 %
Guess Who is Coming to Dinner? Maut ka Saudagar!679 0.21 %
My Sister Marilyn Monroe, Remembered677 0.21 %
Erogenous, Oops, Euro-Zoneous and Iam Sid Harth@webworldismyoyster.com676 0.21 %
Pew, Phew!...and I am Sid Harth@webworldismyoyster.com672 0.21 %
Immorality, thy Name is India668 0.21 %
Witless David Horrorwitz, Oops, Horowitz and I668 0.21 %
Fucked-up Bolton, Forbes and I@webworldismyoyster.com667 0.21 %
Afghanistan: (Poppy) Field of Dreams and I663 0.21 %
Mon cher Pierre Rousselin, Je suis Sid Harth.662 0.21 %
My dear Walter Pincus, I am Sid Harth.659 0.21 %
OBAMA: TIME MAN659 0.21 %
My Dear John McCain, I am Barack Obama.652 0.2 %
Rep. Allen West, Storm in Tea (Party) Cup?647 0.2 %
Rascals at Journal Nature, ApoE4, and I645 0.2 %
Bookle+: Sid Harth642 0.2 %
Mad-Man, Oops, Mitt-Man, Reviled, Oops, Revealed636 0.2 %
MATT RIDLEY, eRiddle on a Greed.le and I635 0.2 %
Hi Barack! Goodbye, Oops, Good Riddance, Prada-woman!634 0.2 %
Vice Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon, I am Sid Harth.633 0.2 %
Of Sex, Scandalous Sex and I632 0.2 %
Of Christian God, Holy Mass, Oops, Mess and I632 0.2 %
Nice day to kill Bob (not his real name)625 0.19 %
WASHINGTON RULES, Andrew J. Bacevich and I623 0.19 %
Thus Spake Hillary Clinton619 0.19 %
Mark Zuckerberg's Paradise, Oops, Virginity Lost619 0.19 %
The Rain in Spain Stays Mainly in the Plains, Oops, Plans618 0.19 %
Michael Hotrod, Oops, Holroyd and I616 0.19 %
US Afghanistan Syndrome and I607 0.19 %
Inside J.P. Morgan's Blunder, Oops, Plunder, Oops, Blender605 0.19 %
Google's Algorithm be Damned603 0.19 %
Don't Give up the Ship, just the war of 1812598 0.19 %
US Foreign Policy, Jewish Paranoia and I596 0.19 %
Mother-in-Law, Ernie K-Doe and I591 0.18 %
My bad haircut day, 1/13/2012587 0.18 %
Linkedin Fuckedin Allahdin580 0.18 %
Hello, Sid Harth. Oh Yeah? Tell me all about it575 0.18 %
Mark (Ju look Maavlus) Zuckerberg and I573 0.18 %
Honorable Pan-Fried, Leon Panetta and I561 0.17 %
Iraq Intrigue and I560 0.17 %
Russia, Iran, Caspian Sea Monster and I560 0.17 %
My Dear Amanda Enayati, I am Sid Harth.557 0.17 %
All That Jazz555 0.17 %
Devil in Disguise: MOSSAD, Oops, KIDON554 0.17 %
Now you Have Done it, Dick548 0.17 %
US Free Speech? Bah, Humbug!539 0.17 %
Now you have done it, Marc Spitz537 0.17 %
Of Conservatives, CFR Lies and I537 0.17 %
Saal Mubarak, Oops, Maut Mubarak, Hosni Mubarak533 0.17 %
Mitt Romney, Jingoism and I530 0.17 %
Think before You Look, Adam Garfinkle527 0.16 %
Egyptian Presidential Election and I527 0.16 %
Sue me@mysistereileen.com525 0.16 %
New Jersey Credit Card Fraud522 0.16 %
Of Nuclear (Power) Plants, Planted News and I519 0.16 %
SOPA518 0.16 %
US Policy! Oh Yeah? Tell me all about it516 0.16 %
Nicolas Sarkozy: "Ce n'est pas fini, jusqu'à ce que la grosse dame chante, Oups, Angela Merkel."515 0.16 %
Zionism and I512 0.16 %
Doomsday, Oops, WSJ and I511 0.16 %
The Wall of Shit511 0.16 %
J P Morgan Shit hits the fan, Oops, France510 0.16 %
Morsi, More or Less510 0.16 %
The Rise and Fall of American Imperialism: Sid Harth509 0.16 %
My Dear Richard Engel, I am Sid Harth.509 0.16 %
Mark Zuckerberg, facebook IPO and "face(less ad revenue)book"508 0.16 %
The Wall Shit Journal and I am: SiDevilIam506 0.16 %
The Rise and Fall of Kisan Cabal Cancer505 0.16 %
Obama Bashing Brigade497 0.15 %
Of Kings, Crown Prince Nayef bin Abdul-Aziz and I496 0.15 %
My Dear Paul Krugman, I am Sid Harth496 0.15 %
CIA, Oops, Pentagon and I are buddies, I think.495 0.15 %
Pope Benedict in a Deep SHIT, I Think494 0.15 %
Syria: Another Foreign War?494 0.15 %
Barack Obama's Press Leaks, Oops, Release and I490 0.15 %
Of Fairy Tales, Libor Nightmare and I490 0.15 %
¡Ay, caramba!, Oops, Yah Allah, Oops, Tarantullah485 0.15 %
India's Superpower Euphoria: Sid Harth480 0.15 %
US Supreme Court, Illegal Immigration, Immoral States' Laws and I480 0.15 %
The Diary of Anne, Oops, Elif Batuman479 0.15 %
Affordable Care Act (ACA) and I477 0.15 %
Indian Federalism and I476 0.15 %
Billionaire-Boy and Eye, Oops, I476 0.15 %
My Dear Agustino Fontevecchia, I am Sid Harth.476 0.15 %
US Russia Reset and I475 0.15 %
Enter, Mitt. Exit Newt474 0.15 %
Uncle Sam's Foreign, Oops, (Osama bin-Laden) Affair and I474 0.15 %
Hillary's Cambodia Headache and I473 0.15 %
Of 9/11, Conspiracy Theories, George W Bush and I473 0.15 %
Mitt Romney's Gender Bender and I470 0.15 %
Hilda Solis, Remembered468 0.15 %
Death of a Book Salesman, Oops, Publishing Industry?466 0.15 %
Of Political Pundits, Predictions and I465 0.14 %
Of Foreign Wars, CNAS, CENTCOM, And Andrew Exhumed464 0.14 %
India's Superpower and I463 0.14 %
Vive la France, I hope462 0.14 %
Iran Diplomacy: Ace in the Hole!461 0.14 %
My Dear John A Nagl, I am Sid Harth.461 0.14 %
Illegal Immigration and I461 0.14 %
Fitzwilly460 0.14 %
Happy Tobogganing John Boehner, et al458 0.14 %
My Dear Mitt Romney, I am Sid Harth.455 0.14 %
Rupert (Maniac) Murdoch and I455 0.14 %
Jewish (Fucked-up) Foreign Policy and I454 0.14 %
Of DVT, Hillary Clinton and I454 0.14 %
लंडन ग्रंथटीका मम दधातू एतद ग्रंथमाला धन्यस्म्यह्म453 0.14 %
Alexander Cockburn, 71, no More453 0.14 %
मम रमभगिनी, रिता हेवर्थ, कल्याणमस्तु, शुभं भवेत! धन्यामहम!450 0.14 %
Republican Foreign (sic) Policy and I449 0.14 %
Thus Spake Uncle Sam, Oops, Auntie Hillary448 0.14 %
US (Fucked-up) Foreign Policy and I447 0.14 %
Iraq: A Disaster in Waiting, I think447 0.14 %
Guess who is coming to dinner, Madeleine Albright447 0.14 %
Mes chers amis Arnaud de La Grange, Stephen Kovacs. Je suis Sid Harth.446 0.14 %
Who Wants to be a Millionaire, Oops, Millionaire US President?446 0.14 %
Obama: Go Ahead, Makey my Day446 0.14 %
My Dear Barack Obama, I am Sid Harth445 0.14 %
Rand Paul: Thorn in AIPAC Side445 0.14 %
Penny Wise, Pound Foolish441 0.14 %
Stormin' Norman, Remembered441 0.14 %
My dear Mitt Romney, I am Sid Harth.440 0.14 %
मम सुहृद, Oops, बंधू, बराक हुसेन ओबामा, कौटिल्यावतारस्ती किम?439 0.14 %
Mitt Romney on Suicide Watch and I438 0.14 %
Michele Bachmann, (Who?)436 0.14 %
Seriously, Human Rights in Syria?435 0.14 %
Mitt Romney: The Heat is on, Politically Speaking434 0.14 %
My Dear Dana Hughes, I am Sid Harth.433 0.13 %
New Delhi, a Garbage Dump?432 0.13 %
Not so Private, Private Equality, Oops, Equity and I432 0.13 %
facebook fellatio and I432 0.13 %
Jack Jew, Oops, Lew to the Rescue432 0.13 %
Of Peace, Peace Corps and I430 0.13 %
My Sister Angela Merkel, Oops, Hannelore Kraft and I430 0.13 %
Trigger Happy Uncle Sam and I425 0.13 %
Guess who is coming to dinner? Iblis, Oops, Iran!425 0.13 %
Syrian Conflict: WW I to WW III?425 0.13 %
Sceince vs Religion424 0.13 %
Uncle Sam's Affairs to Remember, Oops, Forget424 0.13 %
Sunday in the Park With George, Oops, William E Shaub424 0.13 %
Of Plan-B, Grover Norquist Tryst and I422 0.13 %
European Trinity: Trade, Tourism and Confidence?421 0.13 %
Happy 75th Birthday, BSO-Tanglewood421 0.13 %
Goodbye Corcoran. Hollow, Oops, Hello commercialism.420 0.13 %
What does it matter, CERN Scientists?419 0.13 %
Give Egypt's Islamists a Break415 0.13 %
Mitt-Man's Foreign Policy Mess and I413 0.13 %
Monday, April 23, 2012 Elizabeth, Oops, Babe Wurtzel and I412 0.13 %
Happy 200th Year Anniversary, Brothers Grimm412 0.13 %
Madcap Maurice H Greenberg and I412 0.13 %
Counter, Counter Terrorism and US Terrorism411 0.13 %
Judge Robert H Bork, 85, no More411 0.13 %
P5+1 Heartache Over Iran410 0.13 %
The Rise and Fall of American Imperialism and I409 0.13 %
Pardon my French, GoFuCkYoMaMa!408 0.13 %
Hillary Clinton's HOPE DOPE and I408 0.13 %
India’s Superpower Euphoria CCLXXX, Revisited407 0.13 %
Sunday in the Park With George, Oops, Barack407 0.13 %
Mitt Romney: Red (Hot) White (Liar) and Blue (in Face)407 0.13 %
The Rise and fall of Conservatism in America406 0.13 %
Sunday in the Park With George, Oops, Ralph Waldo Emerson405 0.13 %
Rodney King, 47, no More404 0.13 %
Sid Harth to Mark Zuckerberg: "Screw U."403 0.13 %
My dear Madame, Oops, "la grande dame de la politique étrangère américaine, ancien secrétaire d'État," Madeleine K. Albright I am Sid Harth.403 0.13 %
अथ धर्माधर्मांधता, मदांधता, सत्तांधता, इति402 0.13 %
Madama Butterfly and I401 0.12 %
SiDevilIam, Oops, Foreign Policy and I401 0.12 %
Mon cher Les agences Figaro.fr Je suis Sid Harth.401 0.12 %
Of Mitt-Man, Post-Man, Oops, Port-Man and I401 0.12 %
Jewish Ghetto Humor and I400 0.12 %
Michele Obama Bashing Brigade and I399 0.12 %
US Exceptionalism, Real or Unreal and I398 0.12 %
Odyssey of the Mind, Hopeless at WH: Barack Obama and I397 0.12 %
A nice day to die for395 0.12 %
William Lee Miller. 86, no More395 0.12 %
The Wall Shit Journal and I: Sid Harth392 0.12 %
Gun Lobby Lobbed391 0.12 %
Dissolve Eurozone and call it Bureau-Zonked390 0.12 %
Conservatives, Oops, Socialists Win, I Think390 0.12 %
Rascals at Reuters and I389 0.12 %
Narendra Modi on Suicide Watch and I389 0.12 %
Stuxnet Saga: Same Shit, Different Day388 0.12 %
Binya Minckey Rooney, Jewish Paranoia and I387 0.12 %
Mitt-Man is a dead man walking387 0.12 %
Oh-Man, Middle East Muddle, Oops, Puddle and I386 0.12 %
Gaza: Israeli Hell Hole and I386 0.12 %
Of Peace, Steve Killelea's Piece and I383 0.12 %
AEI and I382 0.12 %
Eurokrise, Oops, AthenaCruise and I382 0.12 %
India's Superpower Euphoria: Sid Harth382 0.12 %
Of Fiscal Cliff, Buridan's Ass and I381 0.12 %
Boy-Billionare, Mark Zuckerberg and Eye, Oops, my Toy378 0.12 %
South China Sea Monsters, John McCain, Joe Lieberman and I377 0.12 %
Mitt Romney's Baptism of Fire, Oops, Love Fest?377 0.12 %
Joe Paterno's (Ghost), Alive, in Primetime?377 0.12 %
Undecided Voter Derby and I377 0.12 %
प्रायः तथा न स्यात् US (Fucked-up) Foreign Policy and I376 0.12 %
Of Energy, Foreign Policy and I376 0.12 %
Afghanistan, Massive Machinery and I375 0.12 %
A Mexican Star, Enrique Pena Nieto, is Born, Oops, Reborn374 0.12 %
Congress Stole Your Privacy374 0.12 %
My Dear Adam Levine, I am Sid Harth.373 0.12 %
Werewolf, Oops, Mitt Romney Howling373 0.12 %
Iran Nuclear Research Funny Games and I372 0.12 %
My Dear Christopher Clary, I am Sid Harth.372 0.12 %
The Wall Shit, Oops, Street Henninger and I372 0.12 %
Thank Heavens for Harriet Monroe371 0.12 %
Mr (presumptive friend of NAACP) Mitt Romney, Sir! I am Sid Harth370 0.12 %
Condi Rice, at What Price?369 0.11 %
Sol Sanders, Syria, Historically Speaking369 0.11 %
Good bye Rome, Oops, arrivederci Roma368 0.11 %
Erogenous, Oops, Euro-Zoneous and I am Sid Harth@webworldismyoyster.com368 0.11 %
NUIT: Elie Wiesel Mémoire367 0.11 %
Rick SanTotem and I366 0.11 %
Dumb and Dumber News From India366 0.11 %
CIA-Man, Morsi Wins366 0.11 %
Chinaman Cometh and Stayeth, I Think365 0.11 %
Thank GOD, I am Alive! Hallelujah! Shalome!364 0.11 %
My Dear Kathleen Hall Jamieson, I am Sid Harth.364 0.11 %
Quit-Mitt and I364 0.11 %
Romney-Ryan Honemoon: A Prequel364 0.11 %
"soldier-scholar-statesman?" एतद ग्रंथम क्षुद्रमस्ती. मा पठति.363 0.11 %
India: Goodbye Democracy, Hello Hindutva Dictatorship!363 0.11 %
My Dear John T. Bennett, I am Sid Harth.363 0.11 %
Barack v Vladimir and I363 0.11 %
Of Global Economic Crisis and I363 0.11 %
Cultural Jew, a Moronic Argument of Mitt, Oops, Damn Senor362 0.11 %
Hindu Morality Mess, Oops, Message361 0.11 %
Of Demon, J P Morgan's Dimon and I361 0.11 %
AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, DC., James Goldgeier, Gordon Adams, and I361 0.11 %
Hi Vladimir! ...and I am Sid Harth@webworldismyoyster.com361 0.11 %
Binya Minckey Rooney, Jewish Paranoia and I360 0.11 %
Claude Monet and I360 0.11 %
News, Views and Reviews: Sid Harth, Oups, Nouvelles, vues et commentaires: Sid Harth359 0.11 %
Mitt-Man's Foreign Policy Mess and I359 0.11 %
OBITUARY COLUMN: Mitt Romney, 65, DOA@webworldismyoyster.com359 0.11 %
Frederick Kagan is a Fraud358 0.11 %
किं भोः, एवं वदसि? किमर्थम? किम जोंग इल महोदय:357 0.11 %
facebook, GoFuCkYoMaMa!355 0.11 %
Memorial Day: God bless America.354 0.11 %
Chen Genghis Khan, Oops, Chaghez, Oops, Guangcheng354 0.11 %
Of Maureen Dowd Neocon Cons and I354 0.11 %
Paul "Krugmanian" Rajan and I352 0.11 %
Oops, There Goes the Neighborhood, I Think351 0.11 %
Mitt Romney on Suicide Watch and I351 0.11 %
Uncle Sam's Foreign, Oops, (Forbidden City) Affairs and I350 0.11 %
Iran Sanctimonious, Oops, Insane Sanctions and I350 0.11 %
Leave Putin Alone, I say349 0.11 %
Future of America? Bah Humbug!349 0.11 %
GOP Wolverines and I349 0.11 %
Frantic Fracking Fuckfest and I348 0.11 %
Mon cher Arnaud Rodier, Je suis Sid Harth.348 0.11 %
Starbucks Press Release: For Immediate Publication347 0.11 %
OBITUARY COLUMN: Binyamin Netanyahu, 62, no More347 0.11 %
G8@Camp David: Leaderless-Rudderless, Summit346 0.11 %
FP: The Long and Short of it?345 0.11 %

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My Sister Marilyn Monroe

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Coleen Rowley, Human Rights and I14793 5.63 %
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I GOD U NOD5640 2.15 %
Disband CIA, not Muslim Militia5574 2.12 %
Syria: The End4686 1.78 %
Republican Rascals, Biased Media and I4305 1.64 %
Romney Narcissism v Obama Pessimism and I3796 1.44 %
Internet, India Ishtail3235 1.23 %
Zionism and I3148 1.2 %
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मस्त कलंदर सिद्धार...1334 0.51 %
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9/11 Fact or Fiction?1157 0.44 %
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California Earthquake and I1144 0.44 %
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Jewish Terrorism and I, Oops,1119 0.43 %
Romney Loves India, Oops, Pakistan, I think1112 0.42 %
Motherfucking facebook, Good Bye1104 0.42 %
Welcome, Sid Harth, I am WSJ (Who?)1100 0.42 %
Barack's Osama Bin-Laden Movie Script and I1071 0.41 %
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US (Fucked-up) Foreign Policy and I ¡Ay, caramba!1004 0.38 %
I Like Your Laws, Oops, Flaws1000 0.38 %
यह दोस्ती, यह दास्त�...986 0.38 %
CNN, Iran Nuclear Bombs Lies and I984 0.37 %
Happy Blue Moon Day, Oops, Night983 0.37 %
Jerome R. Corsi, Ph. D. and I976 0.37 %
Of Stupidity, Christian Fundamentalism Talisman an...974 0.37 %
उपकरोमी मम सुहृद, न�...970 0.37 %
Newsweek: The End970 0.37 %
Apple cannot own a patent on rounded corners965 0.37 %
One small step955 0.36 %
Did Clint Eastwood steal Romney's thunder? Oops, B...953 0.36 %
Well Read, Oops, Well Said946 0.36 %
Condi, Oops, Auntie Tom and I939 0.36 %
Fiscal Cliff Shenanigans and I937 0.36 %
Internet Juggernaut and I933 0.35 %
US (Fucked-up) Foreign Policy and I912 0.35 %
America's Atlantic, Oops, Pacific, Oops, Girls' Ce...910 0.35 %
Romney-Ryan Ticket, Bain Capital, El Salvadoran De...908 0.35 %
मूर्ख महामणी बिण्य...903 0.34 %
A Season in Hell, Oops, Une saison en enfer902 0.34 %
Bonne chance, Angela Merkel, donnez-leur l'enfer.901 0.34 %
संस्मरणीय गुरुदेव ...887 0.34 %
Of Polls, Political Pundits, Predictors and I887 0.34 %
Give Them Hell, Harry, Oops, Sid!886 0.34 %
Jewish War Mongering and I877 0.33 %
Council on Foreign Relations, CFR and I877 0.33 %
Workin' in a Gold Mine Goin' Down Down Downtown #S...868 0.33 %
April 16, 2012 As of 6:46 AM Foreign Exchange Wel...864 0.33 %
Thanks, FOREIGN AFFAIRS858 0.33 %
Paul Krugman, Conservative Fairies and I847 0.32 %
Tax Cheating US Multinationals and I845 0.32 %
अहं त्वां नमस्कारो...840 0.32 %
sanctione non solutio agere nunc831 0.32 %
Remembering Osama bin-Laden813 0.31 %
Of Capitalism, Capital Crimes, US Consumers and I810 0.31 %
What the World is Coming to?808 0.31 %
Of David Ignatius, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Iran War an...799 0.3 %
Jerusalem and I792 0.3 %
ऋतुवसंतागमनं791 0.3 %
Barack Obama's Choice, Oops, Clearest Choice and I784 0.3 %
It's a Jungle out there777 0.3 %
Obama's Cabinet Reshuffle Bubble and I775 0.29 %
Mitt Romney: CIC, Oops, Creativity-in-Chief and I774 0.29 %
Who the Hell is Paul Ryan and his Foreign Policy?770 0.29 %
Todd (Oynk-oynk) Akin and I769 0.29 %
FP, False Positive (Blog) and I767 0.29 %
B F Sinner, Oops, Skinner and I764 0.29 %
"May I have a word in edgewise, Mr "Know-it-all-Th...761 0.29 %
04/05/2012 Mitt Romney's Pacific, Oops, Atlantic V...760 0.29 %
India's Superpower Euphoria: Sid Harth759 0.29 %
US Constipated Constitution and I750 0.29 %
हिंदुत्व वस, Oops, v. सि�...747 0.28 %
Of Saints and Sinners736 0.28 %
American Foreign Policy Failures and I736 0.28 %
Who is calling shots here? Jewish terrorist rogue...733 0.28 %
जुन्यापाण्या आठवण�...731 0.28 %
Philip Roth. wikipedia and I729 0.28 %
Mad as Hell728 0.28 %
Bernard Whitman, Crazy Conservatives and I723 0.28 %
WaPo v MOI721 0.27 %
India's Superpower Euphoria: Sid Harth719 0.27 %
It's Mitt's Foreign Policy, Stupid@mysistermarilyn...715 0.27 %
Of Fairytales, Rumplestillskin-Romney and I714 0.27 %
India’s Superpower Euphoria CCLXXX, Revisited713 0.27 %
शांतिदूत, जगत जेता �...712 0.27 %
Tax Strategy, Oops, Fraud and Bain Capital712 0.27 %
Muddled US Media Moguls and I711 0.27 %
David Rothkopf, Stephen M Walt, AIPAC Elephant and...711 0.27 %
Edward Luce and I708 0.27 %
GoFuckYoMama, नृशंस, कूरबुद�...701 0.27 %
Romney-Ryan: An Organ Grinder and a Monkey Show700 0.27 %
Omar Khayyam on my Mind699 0.27 %
Goodbye PBS/NPR. I hate censorship699 0.27 %
François Hollande's Mali Mission Impossible699 0.27 %
Mitt Romney's Gender Bender and I692 0.26 %
“Ne pas baiser avec l’islam.”688 0.26 %
प्रायः तथा न स्यात�...677 0.26 %
Chicago, Oops, Detroit, Detroit, That Wonderful To...673 0.26 %
GoFuckYoMama, नृशंस, कूरबुद�...667 0.25 %
Mohamed Morsi: Machiavellian Prince and I665 0.25 %
Iran Sanctions and I652 0.25 %
Chinese Cyber Attacks on NYT652 0.25 %
Para-Republican-RRUUMMPP649 0.25 %
Desi Dingbats and I647 0.25 %
ऋतुवसंतागमनं645 0.25 %
Thomas Friedman, get a wife, Oops, life643 0.24 %
Romney-Ryan Foreign Policy (flash in a pan) Platfo...639 0.24 %
They Shoot Horses, Don't They?639 0.24 %
Obama's Foreign Policy Wonders, Oops, Blunders635 0.24 %
Another Day, Another Dollar, Oops, Summit634 0.24 %
Tax-Cheat-Mitt and I633 0.24 %
Charles Krauthammer: Merchant of Death and I624 0.24 %
Mitt Romney; "No Guts, No Glory"623 0.24 %
IAEA,Iran's Sovereignty and I615 0.23 %
Charity Begins at Home615 0.23 %
ऋतुवसंतागमनं608 0.23 %
Mitt Romney's Devilish Deals and I605 0.23 %
Paul, Oops, Pinocchio (Republican Rascal) Ryan and...604 0.23 %
Israel's Arrogance, Settler Terrorism and I601 0.23 %
Israel's Ticking Bomb and I597 0.23 %
मधु वाणी मराठी597 0.23 %
The Fat Lady Singes, Oops, Sings595 0.23 %
¡ATENCIÓN!: X Congreso Ciencia y Espíritu Valen...595 0.23 %
Uncle Sam, Know Your Enemy595 0.23 %
Vikram Pandit, Hero or Zero?593 0.23 %
India's Superpower Euphoria and I591 0.22 %
Mitt Romney: Disney World, Here I Come!589 0.22 %
Iran: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?577 0.22 %
CFR's Idiot Brigade and I577 0.22 %
Foreign Policy SNAFU576 0.22 %
Who Needs, Oops, Leads? Not I!575 0.22 %
ऋतुवसंतागमनं574 0.22 %
CHINA: Is there a doctor in the house, Oops, Middl...570 0.22 %
Republicans are in hot soup566 0.22 %
Pritzkers of Chicago and I566 0.22 %
Romney's Yacht, Oops, Dream Boat Afloat, Finally565 0.21 %
Conservative Nincompoops and I564 0.21 %
It's the economy, Stupid: Sid Harth564 0.21 %
Of Ranting, Raving and Revolution559 0.21 %
मम सुहृद मोहन भागव�...557 0.21 %
Of Dragon and a Dragonfly549 0.21 %
Of Planktons, Gerrymandering, Obama and I545 0.21 %
US Jewish Thugs Hacked my Domains539 0.21 %
Foreign Policy's Frankenstein, Situation Report an...535 0.2 %
Holy Hindu Cow! What Now? Starbucks in Bombay?531 0.2 %
Of Republican Racism, Voter Fraud and I531 0.2 %
Romney's Failed Strategy, Fancy Dreams and I525 0.2 %
My Labor Day Weekend Homework, Thanks to FOREIGN A...525 0.2 %
Parsi Tari Arsi525 0.2 %
Warmongering Philthydotcom and I523 0.2 %
Whither CIA?523 0.2 %
GoFuckYoMama, नृशंस, कूरबुद�...521 0.2 %
Mitt's Royal Makeover Hoopla and I515 0.2 %
Dumb and Dumber News From India514 0.2 %
WWW III, Oops, A Prequel512 0.19 %
Obama-Romney: Round and Round They Go509 0.19 %
Iran: Light at the end of the Tunnel?500 0.19 %
Binyamin Netanyahu's Funeral and I500 0.19 %
Of NYT, Pro Israeli Propaganda and I499 0.19 %
Who's Gonna Pay for Israel's Iran war?497 0.19 %
Revolution Ain't no Pretty Picture496 0.19 %
Uncle Sam's Foreign Affairs and I494 0.19 %
Happy Birthday Pharoah, Oops, Persia491 0.19 %
Of Syrian WMD, Academic Stupidity and I491 0.19 %
जनसत्ता सर्वोत्तम�...489 0.19 %
US Telecom Industry Con and I487 0.19 %
Merry Christmas487 0.19 %
CIA Fakery and I486 0.18 %
Paul Ryan, The Moment of Truth and I482 0.18 %
Mitt Romney, Meet Your Maker479 0.18 %
Paul Ryan: So I lie, so sue me479 0.18 %
Vote Early and Often479 0.18 %
Time to import moral police from Iran and Afghanis...474 0.18 %
Mr President, Sir! Tenhut! We got a problem472 0.18 %
BRIT-SHIT and I468 0.18 %
Homeland Security Can't Find Their Ass467 0.18 %
Of Mitt Romney, Glenn Hubbard, Nuts Behind Tax Cut...463 0.18 %
Of Obama's Pacific Pivot, Hillary's Last Hurrah an...461 0.18 %
Mitt-man Cometh, Oops, Goeth461 0.18 %
Get help Niall, that'sall451 0.17 %
It's the Economy, Stupid: Sid Harth451 0.17 %
Afghanistan: The End450 0.17 %
Thomas Pickering, Anthony Zinni and Jim Walsh, Ira...448 0.17 %
Mitt Romney's Blunder, Oops, Plunder, Oops, Binder...448 0.17 %
Paul Ryan: So I lie, so sue me447 0.17 %
Of Boehner-Obama Duet, Oops, Duel and I444 0.17 %
avatar92442 0.17 %
WW III, Oops, A Prequel438 0.17 %
लेखनपीठ संदर्भग्र�...436 0.17 %
National Review, Conservative Cabal and I435 0.17 %
Barack Obama: Wassup?430 0.16 %
Mitt Romney Wake428 0.16 %
Information Age and I427 0.16 %
Religious Fundamentalism, Islamophobia and I427 0.16 %
Uncle Sam (Democracy) Exporting, Inc.426 0.16 %
Romney Pomp, Oops, Romp and I426 0.16 %
Robots, Oops, Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Mainte...423 0.16 %
Jewish Lobby, Hindu Lobby, Terrorism and I423 0.16 %
Holy Hindu Cow! What Now? Starbucks in Bombay?422 0.16 %

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My Sister Eileen

Americas: News, Views and Reviews

Most popular posts/pages ‪(250)‬

Gaza: Jewish shit hits the fan26329 14.49 %
Margaret Thatcher5069 2.79 %
Neocons are Alive and Kicking Ass@mysistereileen.c...4379 2.41 %
Conscientious Conservative? Bah! Humbug!4018 2.21 %
Hang Narendra Modi4005 2.2 %
Of Taliban, Survival of the Fittest and I2564 1.41 %
Goddamned Republican Liars and I1907 1.05 %
Bal Thackeray, Hindutva Fanaticism, Oops, Fascism ...1883 1.04 %
Data Mining and I1873 1.03 %
Sample Page1771 0.97 %
facebook scandals and I1488 0.82 %
Of Conservatives, CFR Lies and I1420 0.78 %
Of Chuck Hagel, Jewish Paranoia and I1376 0.76 %
Paul Ryan's Nation, Oops, Ruination and I1320 0.73 %
Gandhi Nasty Dynasty and I1291 0.71 %
Happy 125th Birthday, Srinivasa Ramanujan1290 0.71 %
US (Fucked-up) Foreign Policy and I1255 0.69 %
Disband CIA, not Muslim Militia1254 0.69 %
Rape is Rape1229 0.68 %
Of Plan B, Boehner Buzz and I1216 0.67 %
Of Magic Johnson, Oops, Lindon B Johnson's Magic a...1190 0.66 %
Daniel Inouye, 88, no More1164 0.64 %
Lunatic Binyamin, Emphatic Barack and I1123 0.62 %
Dr NakaMat’s Patented Lies and I1082 0.6 %
OF ECB, S&P 500 Dramatic Rise and I1068 0.59 %
AP's Iran Hoax, Glenn Greenwald and I1038 0.57 %
Of Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and I1017 0.56 %
Of Conservatives, FP Propaganda and I989 0.54 %
Fight or Flight Nobody’s Right VOTE!@elcidharth....968 0.53 %
Of Hope. Dope, Mormon Pope Romney and I959 0.53 %
Tax-Cheat-Mitt and I945 0.52 %
Barack Obama Busts Mitt Romney in Polls944 0.52 %
TB, Incurable Mutation in India and I937 0.52 %
All-Points Bulletin Alert: ENERGY935 0.51 %
Dismantle CIA, Pronto!897 0.49 %
Crazy Muslims and I886 0.49 %
Of Arab Spring, Oops, an Inferno and I878 0.48 %
Meet Compassionate Con, Mitt Romney862 0.47 %
I hate Kim Jong Eun, Oops, WSJ. Who doesn’t?858 0.47 %
Of National Security, Dangerous Overseas Deploymen...833 0.46 %
 820 0.45 %
Don't Mess With China810 0.45 %
eagle1802 0.44 %
Gun Lobby Lobbed802 0.44 %
Of Corporate Cunning, Competion and I793 0.44 %
Barack Obama's Choice, Oops, Clearest Choice and I789 0.43 %
Nuclear Power: Not in my backyard!772 0.42 %
Obama's Cabinet: Trouble in Bubble?771 0.42 %
US Foreign Policy, Oops, Fallacy and I762 0.42 %
Barack Obama's Choice, Oops, Clearest Choice and I759 0.42 %
Syria: No End in Sight758 0.42 %
THINK-STINK751 0.41 %
Qatar Guttersnipe and I742 0.41 %
Medtronic Mauled739 0.41 %
Chicago Scandal Shit, Oops, Sheet and I736 0.41 %
Of ITU, U and I735 0.4 %
Iran: Frankenstein, Made in America734 0.4 %
Fiscal Cliff Flea Circus and I732 0.4 %
Of Fairytales, Rumplestillskin-Romney and I728 0.4 %
Sandy Hook Massacre and I726 0.4 %
Wishy-Washy-TalkingTrashy FP Foreign Policy Wonks ...723 0.4 %
Carnivore CIA and I710 0.39 %
Bookle+: Sid Harth703 0.39 %
PBS Lies and I700 0.39 %
Muslim Moses, Morsi and I699 0.38 %
GOP: Gang of Pagans and I696 0.38 %
Happy 197th Birthday, Ada Lovelace692 0.38 %
Of Gaza War, Israeli Warmongering, WaPo and I687 0.38 %
Edward Snowden665 0.37 %
Bailout Bites Barack's Butt655 0.36 %
It's the Economy, Stupid: Sid Harth651 0.36 %
2013 FC and I650 0.36 %
Israel's Doomsday and I631 0.35 %
I wish I were there630 0.35 %
Of New Yorker, Worthless Critique and I614 0.34 %
Foreign Policy's Frankenstein, Situation Report an...608 0.33 %
Of Israel, Iran, Armageddon and I601 0.33 %
"Guns Don't Kill, I do." Lord Krishna600 0.33 %
Mr President Mohammed Morsi, I Presume594 0.33 %
Dave Brubeck Remembered584 0.32 %
Washington,DC; Crossing the Delaware?584 0.32 %
Another Day, Another Dollar, Oops, Summit583 0.32 %
Bobby Jindal's Conservative Booby Trap and I581 0.32 %
OBITUARY COLUMN: Mitt Romney, 65, DOA577 0.32 %
Of BP, Deepwater Horizon Spill Bill and I573 0.32 %
US Free Speech? Bah, Humbug!569 0.31 %
Of David Ignatius, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Iran War an...566 0.31 %
Mitt Romney: Winner takes all (blame)564 0.31 %
Of Chicken Hawks, Oops, Neocons and I562 0.31 %
Gen David Petraeus: SEX R US557 0.31 %
Mitt Romney Juggernaut and I556 0.31 %
US Foreign Policy Riddle, Oops, Griddle and I548 0.3 %
Welcome Xi Jinping540 0.3 %
Whither Syria?539 0.3 %
Goodbye CIA! Hello DIA!538 0.3 %
OBITUARY COLUMN: Binyamin Netanyahu, 62, no More532 0.29 %
Obama Romney, Denver Delivery529 0.29 %
Gen Petraeus: Give me Liberty to Have Sex525 0.29 %
Auto Draft518 0.29 %
Here come da judge Robert Simpleton, Oops, Simpson...515 0.28 %
GOP: Gone With the Wind, Oops, Winding Toys513 0.28 %
CIA: Assassination Inc513 0.28 %
Jackson Diehl's Daring Deal and I511 0.28 %
BRICs Brouhaha and I503 0.28 %
Of Polls, POLITICO Shenanigans and I502 0.28 %
LOVE502 0.28 %
Image Three Slide502 0.28 %
 502 0.28 %
Of Trunstiles, Turnouts Blowouts and I501 0.28 %
Hello world!500 0.28 %
Why Should We Even Care If the Government Is Colle...499 0.27 %
WMD Mythology, Oops, Madness and I495 0.27 %
Bowles-Simpson panel, Myths and Reality493 0.27 %
Of Maureen Dowd Neocon Cons and I490 0.27 %
Fiscal Cliff: Devil is in Details488 0.27 %
Warmongering Philthydotcom and I487 0.27 %
Begone, Nancy Pelosi485 0.27 %
Who's Gonna Pay for Israel's Iran war?483 0.27 %
Of Iron Dome, Hindu Dummies and I483 0.27 %
Petrified Petraeus and I473 0.26 %
Sewer Called India and I468 0.26 %
Dr Morsi's Arabian Nightmares and I466 0.26 %
America's China Syndrome and I465 0.26 %
Of Armageddon, Jewish Insanity and I463 0.25 %
US Benghazi Plunders, Oops, Blunders and I459 0.25 %
US Free Speech? Bah, Humbug!457 0.25 %
Sadness Fills my Heart455 0.25 %
Of Jewish Holocaust, Israel's Warmongering and I450 0.25 %
Netanyahu's Doomed Dome Saved the Day450 0.25 %
John McCain’s McDream and I444 0.24 %
buddha1444 0.24 %
Neocons Gobble Romney443 0.24 %
Mitt's Women in Binders Blunder and I443 0.24 %
Netanyahu's Little Big War: Gaza443 0.24 %
Conservative Trojan Horse, John McCain and I440 0.24 %
Romney Blarney and I439 0.24 %
Rice, at What Price?436 0.24 %
परोपदेशे पांडित्य�...435 0.24 %
US Free Speech? Bah, Humbug!434 0.24 %
Conservative con and I434 0.24 %
Have a Nice Memorial Day 2013434 0.24 %
Ben Bernanke Strikes Again430 0.24 %
Heritage Without Foundation430 0.24 %
Of Global Economic Crisis and I430 0.24 %
Morsi, More or Less429 0.24 %
Of Kejriwal, Corrupt Politicians and I424 0.23 %
Obama Mandate Myth and I423 0.23 %
Fiscal Cliff: Go Ahead, Make my Day423 0.23 %
Morsi, More or Less423 0.23 %
Barack Loves Mitt420 0.23 %
Whither Homeland Security?416 0.23 %
Gaza: Israeli Amnesty, Oops, Dishonesty and I414 0.23 %
Uncle Sam's Iran Affair and I407 0.22 %
WaPo Rammed Romney Down406 0.22 %
Wen Jiabao, Party of the First Part406 0.22 %
Barack-Doctrin, Berühmt-Berüchtigt NATO und ich406 0.22 %
BBG is practically Defunct405 0.22 %
Konservative Karma and I404 0.22 %
Of God of Destruction, Godwin's Law and I401 0.22 %
Foreign Policy Bubbles and I399 0.22 %
Syria's Short Fuse and I399 0.22 %
Palestine: A Nation is Born398 0.22 %
Obama's Cabinet: Trouble in Bubble?394 0.22 %
Know Now, Pay Later393 0.22 %
Of Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and I390 0.21 %
Conservative Trojan Horse, John McCain and I387 0.21 %
 386 0.21 %
Calm Before the Storm?383 0.21 %
Medtronic Mauled378 0.21 %
Of Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Renaissance and I369 0.2 %
Remembering Osama bin-Laden367 0.2 %
 367 0.2 %
Logic Defies Magic366 0.2 %
Gaza on Fire364 0.2 %
Warmongering TIME?362 0.2 %
Syria, Seriously?360 0.2 %
Mitt Romney Who?359 0.2 %
Religious Fundamentalism, Islamophobia and I358 0.2 %
Of NYT, Abu Khattala, Benghazi Ghost and I356 0.2 %
Syria: Situation Report356 0.2 %
Lecciones de América, Gracias FOREIGN AFFAIRS355 0.2 %
GOP: Gone With the Wind, Oops, Winding Toys353 0.19 %
Bid Farewell to Biden349 0.19 %
Of Gaza, Gazillion Jewish Lies and I349 0.19 %
Growing Western Islamophobia and I340 0.19 %
Of Conservatives, FP Propaganda and I339 0.19 %
US Foreign Policy: 1001 Arabian Nightmares?339 0.19 %
Tax Cheats Unite!339 0.19 %
Exit NewsWeek, Enter NewsLeak335 0.18 %
Of Winners, Losers and I334 0.18 %
Another Day, Another Dollar, Oops, Summit331 0.18 %
Trigger Man327 0.18 %
Of Pathetic Polls, Political Goals and I323 0.18 %
Bobby Jindal's Conservative Booby Trap and I323 0.18 %
Syria's Short Fuse and I318 0.18 %
Edward Snowden318 0.18 %
Obama's Cabinet Conundrum and I317 0.17 %
Who's Gonna Pay for Israel's Iran war?316 0.17 %
cropped-flag1.jpg315 0.17 %
Of Libya's Arab Spring, Oops, Sand Storm and I312 0.17 %
Mitt Romney, Binyamin Netanyahu, Warmongering and ...312 0.17 %
paktaliban3312 0.17 %
BCCI-IPL Scandal and I309 0.17 %
US Free Speech? Bah, Humbug!300 0.17 %
Of Magic Johnson, Oops, Lindon B Johnson's Magic a...299 0.16 %
Of Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Renaissance and I297 0.16 %
eagle1295 0.16 %
 294 0.16 %
Irangate and I293 0.16 %
Mitt Romney: Oops!292 0.16 %
America's China Syndrome and I291 0.16 %
Of National Security, Dangerous Overseas Deploymen...289 0.16 %
Fi! Fie! Fo! Fum! Mitt Romney, Here I Come289 0.16 %
Tax Incentives? Bah Humbug!289 0.16 %
Brit Shit and I287 0.16 %
Fiscal Cliff, Hang in There286 0.16 %
Of Arab Spring, Oops, an Inferno and I285 0.16 %
Foreign Policy's Frankenstein, Situation Report an...284 0.16 %
The medium is the message283 0.16 %
Remembering Osama bin-Laden280 0.15 %
Money Makes the World go Round280 0.15 %
Money Makes the World go Round280 0.15 %
Romney's Nightmare and I279 0.15 %
Bobby Jindal's Conservative Booby Trap and I278 0.15 %
Hillary's Asia-Pacific Punditry and I276 0.15 %
Gen David Petraeus: SEX R US274 0.15 %
Goddamned Republican Liars and I273 0.15 %
Of David Ignatius, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Iran War an...273 0.15 %
PBS Lies and I272 0.15 %
…and the winner is GRIDLOCK!272 0.15 %
Foreign Policy's Frankenstein, Situation Report an...269 0.15 %
Another Day, Another Dollar, Oops, Summit269 0.15 %
PBS Lies and I268 0.15 %
Bill (Brahma Bull) Clinton and I268 0.15 %
Fight or Flight Nobody’s Right VOTE!@elcidharth....264 0.15 %
Of God of Destruction, Godwin's Law and I264 0.15 %
TB, Incurable Mutation in India and I263 0.14 %
Of National Security, Computer Nerd-world and I260 0.14 %
Of Pathetic Polls, Political Goals and I259 0.14 %
Of Arab Spring, Oops, an Inferno and I258 0.14 %
Who's Gonna Pay for Israel's Iran war?250 0.14 %
Happy 125th Birthday, Srinivasa Ramanujan250 0.14 %
Logic Defies Magic248 0.14 %
Of Conservatives, CFR Lies and I245 0.13 %
Meet Compassionate Con, Mitt Romney244 0.13 %
CIA: Assassination Inc243 0.13 %
Of Gaza War, Israeli Warmongering, WaPo and I238 0.13 %
Of Armageddon, Jewish Insanity and I236 0.13 %

Hit Counter

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Pages per unique visitor1.972.394.085.067.18
...and I am Sid Harth

1900th Post @elcidharth.com


वसुधैव कुटुंबकम

पश्यामि वसुधा करतलआमलकवत The World is my Oyster

Most popular posts/pages ‪(250)‬

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Russia, Iran, Caspian Sea Monster and I4663 2.35 %
The Human Rights, According to Joshua Keating4128 2.08 %
Yankee go home3917 1.97 %
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Sample Page2938 1.48 %
Herakles: Punished Again!2921 1.47 %
My Dear Gennady Yevstafiev, I am Sid Harth.2854 1.44 %
Drones Assassination: Legal! not Moral!2666 1.34 %
Of Gaza, Jewish SHIT and I2621 1.32 %
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Neocon Con-man, Frederick Kagan and I2586 1.3 %
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US Foreign Policy, Jewish Paranoia and I1300 0.66 %
Hi Vladimir! ...and I am Sid Harth@webworldismyoy...1276 0.64 %
Free Speech Ain't Free1252 0.63 %
OBITUARY COLUMN: Mitt Romney, 65, DOA@webworldismy...1241 0.63 %
Syria, Seriously, US media led Propaganda@mysister...1159 0.58 %
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My Dear Stephen M Walt, I am Sid Harth.824 0.42 %
Drummer-boy, Paul Craig Roberts and I823 0.41 %
Hindu Free (Hate) Speech and I805 0.41 %
Of Kings, Crown Prince Nayef bin Abdul-Aziz and I804 0.41 %
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Of Conservatives, CFR Lies and I760 0.38 %
Of Human Rights, Shitting Netanyahu and I753 0.38 %
Goodbye Poverty, Hello Exceptionalism749 0.38 %
Jewish Motherfuckers and I: Sid Harth740 0.37 %
My Dear Richard Engel, I am Sid Harth.736 0.37 %
Iron Dome Myths and I735 0.37 %
Fiscal Cliff: Conservatives Eat Crow726 0.37 %
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Syria Calling702 0.35 %
Guess Who is Coming to Dinner? Maut ka Saudagar!695 0.35 %
My Dear Dylan Brewer, I am Sid Harth.687 0.35 %
Waiting for Godot, Oops, God Particle, Higgs boson663 0.33 %
Binya Minckey Rooney, Jewish Paranoia and I659 0.33 %
My Dear Alistair Lyon, I am Sid Harth.658 0.33 %
Syria: What?639 0.32 %
Andy Griffith, 86, no More631 0.32 %
BofA Gone ToofA?631 0.32 %
Benghazi Ghosts and I629 0.32 %
Iran: Persians R Coming624 0.31 %
Of Gun Lobby, Morality and I624 0.31 %
Hindu Morality Meltdown and I613 0.31 %
Iran, Jewish Paranoia and I603 0.3 %
My dear Micah Zenco, I am Sid Harth.598 0.3 %
Checkmate...and I am Sid Harth@mysistermarilynmonr...597 0.3 %
Foreign wars: It's only money, ain't it?595 0.3 %
Thus Spake Joseph Stiglitz, I Think593 0.3 %
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...and I am (Not Mitt Romney) Harth@webworldismyoy...580 0.29 %
Witless David Horrorwitz, Oops, Horowitz and I579 0.29 %
Of Islam, Islamophobia and I574 0.29 %
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Binya Minckey Rooney, Jewish Paranoia and I531 0.27 %
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Mitt Romney: Back to the Future Disaster@gosumerco...526 0.27 %
...and I am (not funny) Harth@webworldismyoyster.c...525 0.26 %
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Hey! Hey! Bombay!515 0.26 %
My Dear Fareed Zakaria, I am Your Uncle, Sid Harth...511 0.26 %
Hello world!510 0.26 %
.Pew, Phew!...and I am Sid Harth@webworldismyoyste...508 0.26 %
Fucked-up Bolton, Forbes and I@webworldismyoyster....503 0.25 %
Gaza Cease-Fire Euphoria and I502 0.25 %
My Dear Barbara Bodine, I am Sid Harth.496 0.25 %
Of CIA, Drone Assassinations and I494 0.25 %
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Of CIA Cancer, DIA Dancer and I431 0.22 %
Mitt Romney: Winner takes all (blame)429 0.22 %
Morsi, More or Less418 0.21 %
AFPC: US Foreign Policy for Sale418 0.21 %
My Dear Peter Mandaville, I am Sid Harth.417 0.21 %
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Warmongering TIME?413 0.21 %
Conservative Colic and I411 0.21 %
Jewish War Mongering and I410 0.21 %
Of Israel, Iran, Armageddon and I409 0.21 %
Nuclear Power Scare Tactics and I405 0.2 %
Islamophobia and I404 0.2 %
Egypt, TIME Balderdash and I403 0.2 %
Dumb and Dumber News From India400 0.2 %
Morsi: Shakespearean, Oops, Greek Tragedy?397 0.2 %
India's Morality Meltdown and I396 0.2 %
Ungar! Says Mitt Romney in European Junket396 0.2 %
Uncle Sam Missed the bus, Oops, Boat to Iran393 0.2 %
Mitt-Man is a dead man walking390 0.2 %
Where is Sancho Panza, Mitt-Man, Oops, Don Quixote...386 0.19 %
Of Peace, Steve Killelea's Piece and I384 0.19 %
Erogenous, Oops, Euro-Zoneous and I am Sid Harth@w...383 0.19 %
Fiscal Cliff: High Wire Act and I382 0.19 %
Stupidity, Thy Name is America380 0.19 %
Muslim Terrorism and I379 0.19 %
Israel's Ticking Bomb and I375 0.19 %
Sewer Called India and I372 0.19 %
Mitt Romney's Last Tango, Oops, Tangled Web in Bei...371 0.19 %
Of Palestine Statehood, Jewish Follies and I370 0.19 %
Policy is not nobody's private property370 0.19 %
Fiscal Cliff: Prequel369 0.19 %
Gen Petraeus' Broad, Broadwell-Sex-Scandal Broaden...368 0.19 %
American Exceptionalism and I363 0.18 %
Jewish Insanity, Binya Minckey Rooney and I363 0.18 %
Gaza War, Jewish Propaganda and I357 0.18 %
Mitt Romney: Failed Strategy, Fucked-up Future and...357 0.18 %
Devil in Disguise: MOSSAD, Oops, KIDON355 0.18 %
Pope Benedict XVI renuntiante Amen355 0.18 %
Boobalicious Babes, Bare-Boobs and I Missed it353 0.18 %
Muhammad Mossadegh, Patriot of Persia, Remembered352 0.18 %
सर्वनाशेसमुत्पन्�...351 0.18 %
State of the Union 2013349 0.18 %
My Dear Lawrence J Haas, I am Sid Harth.346 0.17 %
US (Fucked-up) Foreign Policy and I345 0.17 %
Julian Assange, Uncle Sam's Witch Hunt and I341 0.17 %
CIA-Man, Morsi and I337 0.17 %
...and I am (Not Mitt Romney) Harth@webworldismyoy...334 0.17 %
Of Stupidity, Christian Fundamentalism Talisman an...334 0.17 %
OF NRA, Wayne LaPierre and I330 0.17 %
Grand Vizier, of Tufts University William C. Marte...329 0.17 %
Mindless Data Miners, Oops, Marketers and I@mysist...324 0.16 %
Of Paid News and WaPo Propaganda over NAM Summit i...323 0.16 %
'Hovv Yov Ovght to Hold Your Penne'323 0.16 %
comebackkid.com and I322 0.16 %
Thus Spake Uncle Sam, Oops, Auntie Hillary320 0.16 %
US (Fucked-up) Foreign Policy and I320 0.16 %
American Imperialism, the fact and Fiction319 0.16 %
Lunatic Binyamin, Emphatic Barack and I319 0.16 %
AfPak War, FP and I316 0.16 %
Of Presidents, Poll-Predictions-Predicament and I@...315 0.16 %
Affordable Care Act Conflict: Caveat emptor.314 0.16 %
Obama's Drones Mess and I314 0.16 %
P5+1 Heartache Over Iran313 0.16 %
Rain on Romney-Ryan South America Policy Parade313 0.16 %
Syrian Conflict: WW I to WW III?313 0.16 %
Potent, Oops, Omni-Potentate Romney, Oops, Quit Mi...311 0.16 %
The Rise and Fall of American Imperialism and I311 0.16 %
facebook, GoFuCkYoMaMa!306 0.15 %
Geschäftsjahr Klippe Gefahr in Verzug306 0.15 %
FP: The Long and Short of it?306 0.15 %
Mad-Man, Oops, Mitt-Man, Reviled, Oops, Revealed304 0.15 %
Childish Games Played in the Congress and the Sena...304 0.15 %
Of Embassy Sec, Oops, Insecurity and I302 0.15 %
Syria, Seriously299 0.15 %
Barack Bashing Brigade and I298 0.15 %
Thank Heavens for Mr Roberts, Oops, Obama293 0.15 %
Mitt Romney's Shattered Dreams and I293 0.15 %
Sol Sanders, Syria, Historically Speaking292 0.15 %
Fiscal Cliff: Fat Lady Ain't Singin'290 0.15 %
Of TOI, Social Engineering and I290 0.15 %
Talking Parrots of Aspen Strategy Group and I289 0.15 %
Et Dieu créa... Marilyn Monroe, ma sœur, je pens...289 0.15 %
Warmongering Philthydotcom and I288 0.15 %
Rajat Gupta, Immoral Indians and I288 0.15 %
Musulmane fondamentalisme religieux, les conflits ...287 0.14 %
Of National Security, Computer Nerd-world and I282 0.14 %
Google in Trooble?282 0.14 %
avatar92282 0.14 %
Romney-Ryan Ticket, Bain Capital, El Salvadoran De...281 0.14 %
Romney-Ryan Honeymoon: A Prequel281 0.14 %
Apple Patents, Research Rodents and I280 0.14 %
Hang Narendra Modi for 2002 Muslim Mass Murders an...277 0.14 %
Balle, Balle, Ballet277 0.14 %
Paul Ryan's Ruins and I276 0.14 %
US Foreign Policy: 1001 Arabian Nightmares?274 0.14 %
A free-meal-deal from Uncle Sam and I273 0.14 %
Apple cannot own a patent on rounded corners270 0.14 %
Jewish Persecution History and I269 0.14 %
BRIT-SHIT and I265 0.13 %
Show me TAX-FAX, MITT-MAN263 0.13 %
Mitt-Man's Foreign Policy Mess and I262 0.13 %
Gaza: Israeli Amnesty, Oops, Dishonesty and I253 0.13 %
Mitt Romney's Wild Ride in Idlewild247 0.12 %
Leon Panetta: Fast and Furious246 0.12 %
Gen John McCain: I Shall Return245 0.12 %
CIA RIP245 0.12 %

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Get Down and Dirty, Feisty and Nasty News

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My Dear Mitt Romney, I am Sid Harth.2898 0.9 %
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Mon cher Thomas Vampouille, Je suis Sid Harth.2580 0.8 %
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Mon chère Mathilde Golla, Je suis Sid Harth.1827 0.57 %
I Trust US Contingency Plans...and I am Sid Harth@mysistereileen.com1813 0.56 %
American Imperialism, the fact and Fiction1634 0.51 %
Hail Le Figaro.fr Harth Sid | Vous êtes membre Mon figaro Connect Commentaire :1399 0.44 %
अतिवीर्य लोकसत्ता अमेरिका? Bah, Humbug! May 14, 20121299 0.4 %
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Death to SOPA, PIPA and ACTA!914 0.28 %
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A free-meal-deal from Uncle Sam and I888 0.28 %
Et Dieu créa... Marilyn Monroe, ma sœur, je pense885 0.28 %
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Murders in Mumbai876 0.27 %
अथ राज्यस्य खंडस्फुटप्रतीसंस्करण क्रियाकर्मकृती इति876 0.27 %
My Dear Fareed Zakaria, I am Your Uncle, Sid Harth@webworldismyoyster.com872 0.27 %
I Walk like an Egyptian, I Think869 0.27 %
Waiting for Godot, Oops, God Particle, Higgs boson854 0.27 %
My dear Leon, Oops, "Lion" E Panetta, I am Sid Harth.849 0.26 %
Syria, Oops, Tunisia, Tunaciously, Seriously848 0.26 %
Of History, American Presidents, Robert Dallek and I846 0.26 %
Enter Venter, Exit God?: Sid Harth824 0.26 %
My Dear Dylan Brewer, I am Sid Harth.824 0.26 %
Boy Scouts of America: "Devil made me do it."822 0.26 %
Oh-Man v Mitt-Man, Round and Round They go (Nowhere in Particular)798 0.25 %
Hi Barack! vaya con dios loco.794 0.25 %
US (Fucked-up) Foreign Policy and I780 0.24 %
Shady-Ever-Ready-Big-Daddy, CIA Shedding in Iraq, I Think779 0.24 %
Philippa, Oops, Hoopla Gregory and I775 0.24 %
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"Send in the clowns"766 0.24 %
Of Roads, Hot Rods, Paul Ingrassia and I760 0.24 %
Throw FDA in Jail756 0.24 %
CIA, Oops, CIC and I, Oops, MOI745 0.23 %
Conservative Babbling Brook, Oops, Crook, Jonathan Krohn744 0.23 %
grêle François Hollande, Oups, Napoléon Bonaparte II?738 0.23 %
Of Human Rights, US Media Wrongs and I728 0.23 %
Demolish Jewish Ghetto, Israel728 0.23 %
Drummer-boy, Paul Craig Roberts and I727 0.23 %
(Official) PRESS (Un) Release. For Immediate (Un) publishing.726 0.23 %
¡Hola Hollande Adiós StarCrazy, Oops, Sarkozy715 0.22 %
Condi Rice, B Nice710 0.22 %
Of Sovereign Nations, CIA Assassinations Plots and I705 0.22 %
Mon cher Lefigaro.fr avec AFP, Je suis Sid Harth.701 0.22 %
Cyber War, Stuxnet, Barack Obama and I698 0.22 %
Vive la France, I hope698 0.22 %
Goodbye Mitt Romney, Nice knowing you697 0.22 %
My dear Mitt Romney, I am Sid Harth.691 0.22 %
My Dear Obamanians, Oops, Obamaniacs, Oops, Obamians, I am Sid Harth686 0.21 %
Pardon my French, GoFuCkYoMaMa!682 0.21 %
Guess Who is Coming to Dinner? Maut ka Saudagar!679 0.21 %
My Sister Marilyn Monroe, Remembered677 0.21 %
Erogenous, Oops, Euro-Zoneous and Iam Sid Harth@webworldismyoyster.com676 0.21 %
Pew, Phew!...and I am Sid Harth@webworldismyoyster.com672 0.21 %
Immorality, thy Name is India668 0.21 %
Witless David Horrorwitz, Oops, Horowitz and I668 0.21 %
Fucked-up Bolton, Forbes and I@webworldismyoyster.com667 0.21 %
Afghanistan: (Poppy) Field of Dreams and I663 0.21 %
Mon cher Pierre Rousselin, Je suis Sid Harth.662 0.21 %
My dear Walter Pincus, I am Sid Harth.659 0.21 %
OBAMA: TIME MAN659 0.21 %
My Dear John McCain, I am Barack Obama.652 0.2 %
Rep. Allen West, Storm in Tea (Party) Cup?647 0.2 %
Rascals at Journal Nature, ApoE4, and I645 0.2 %
Bookle+: Sid Harth642 0.2 %
Mad-Man, Oops, Mitt-Man, Reviled, Oops, Revealed636 0.2 %
MATT RIDLEY, eRiddle on a Greed.le and I635 0.2 %
Hi Barack! Goodbye, Oops, Good Riddance, Prada-woman!634 0.2 %
Vice Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon, I am Sid Harth.633 0.2 %
Of Sex, Scandalous Sex and I632 0.2 %
Of Christian God, Holy Mass, Oops, Mess and I632 0.2 %
Nice day to kill Bob (not his real name)625 0.19 %
WASHINGTON RULES, Andrew J. Bacevich and I623 0.19 %
Thus Spake Hillary Clinton619 0.19 %
Mark Zuckerberg's Paradise, Oops, Virginity Lost619 0.19 %
The Rain in Spain Stays Mainly in the Plains, Oops, Plans618 0.19 %
Michael Hotrod, Oops, Holroyd and I616 0.19 %
US Afghanistan Syndrome and I607 0.19 %
Inside J.P. Morgan's Blunder, Oops, Plunder, Oops, Blender605 0.19 %
Google's Algorithm be Damned603 0.19 %
Don't Give up the Ship, just the war of 1812598 0.19 %
US Foreign Policy, Jewish Paranoia and I596 0.19 %
Mother-in-Law, Ernie K-Doe and I591 0.18 %
My bad haircut day, 1/13/2012587 0.18 %
Linkedin Fuckedin Allahdin580 0.18 %
Hello, Sid Harth. Oh Yeah? Tell me all about it575 0.18 %
Mark (Ju look Maavlus) Zuckerberg and I573 0.18 %
Honorable Pan-Fried, Leon Panetta and I561 0.17 %
Iraq Intrigue and I560 0.17 %
Russia, Iran, Caspian Sea Monster and I560 0.17 %
My Dear Amanda Enayati, I am Sid Harth.557 0.17 %
All That Jazz555 0.17 %
Devil in Disguise: MOSSAD, Oops, KIDON554 0.17 %
Now you Have Done it, Dick548 0.17 %
US Free Speech? Bah, Humbug!539 0.17 %
Now you have done it, Marc Spitz537 0.17 %
Of Conservatives, CFR Lies and I537 0.17 %
Saal Mubarak, Oops, Maut Mubarak, Hosni Mubarak533 0.17 %
Mitt Romney, Jingoism and I530 0.17 %
Think before You Look, Adam Garfinkle527 0.16 %
Egyptian Presidential Election and I527 0.16 %
Sue me@mysistereileen.com525 0.16 %
New Jersey Credit Card Fraud522 0.16 %
Of Nuclear (Power) Plants, Planted News and I519 0.16 %
SOPA518 0.16 %
US Policy! Oh Yeah? Tell me all about it516 0.16 %
Nicolas Sarkozy: "Ce n'est pas fini, jusqu'à ce que la grosse dame chante, Oups, Angela Merkel."515 0.16 %
Zionism and I512 0.16 %
Doomsday, Oops, WSJ and I511 0.16 %
The Wall of Shit511 0.16 %
J P Morgan Shit hits the fan, Oops, France510 0.16 %
Morsi, More or Less510 0.16 %
The Rise and Fall of American Imperialism: Sid Harth509 0.16 %
My Dear Richard Engel, I am Sid Harth.509 0.16 %
Mark Zuckerberg, facebook IPO and "face(less ad revenue)book"508 0.16 %
The Wall Shit Journal and I am: SiDevilIam506 0.16 %
The Rise and Fall of Kisan Cabal Cancer505 0.16 %
Obama Bashing Brigade497 0.15 %
Of Kings, Crown Prince Nayef bin Abdul-Aziz and I496 0.15 %
My Dear Paul Krugman, I am Sid Harth496 0.15 %
CIA, Oops, Pentagon and I are buddies, I think.495 0.15 %
Pope Benedict in a Deep SHIT, I Think494 0.15 %
Syria: Another Foreign War?494 0.15 %
Barack Obama's Press Leaks, Oops, Release and I490 0.15 %
Of Fairy Tales, Libor Nightmare and I490 0.15 %
¡Ay, caramba!, Oops, Yah Allah, Oops, Tarantullah485 0.15 %
India's Superpower Euphoria: Sid Harth480 0.15 %
US Supreme Court, Illegal Immigration, Immoral States' Laws and I480 0.15 %
The Diary of Anne, Oops, Elif Batuman479 0.15 %
Affordable Care Act (ACA) and I477 0.15 %
Indian Federalism and I476 0.15 %
Billionaire-Boy and Eye, Oops, I476 0.15 %
My Dear Agustino Fontevecchia, I am Sid Harth.476 0.15 %
US Russia Reset and I475 0.15 %
Enter, Mitt. Exit Newt474 0.15 %
Uncle Sam's Foreign, Oops, (Osama bin-Laden) Affair and I474 0.15 %
Hillary's Cambodia Headache and I473 0.15 %
Of 9/11, Conspiracy Theories, George W Bush and I473 0.15 %
Mitt Romney's Gender Bender and I470 0.15 %
Hilda Solis, Remembered468 0.15 %
Death of a Book Salesman, Oops, Publishing Industry?466 0.15 %
Of Political Pundits, Predictions and I465 0.14 %
Of Foreign Wars, CNAS, CENTCOM, And Andrew Exhumed464 0.14 %
India's Superpower and I463 0.14 %
Vive la France, I hope462 0.14 %
Iran Diplomacy: Ace in the Hole!461 0.14 %
My Dear John A Nagl, I am Sid Harth.461 0.14 %
Illegal Immigration and I461 0.14 %
Fitzwilly460 0.14 %
Happy Tobogganing John Boehner, et al458 0.14 %
My Dear Mitt Romney, I am Sid Harth.455 0.14 %
Rupert (Maniac) Murdoch and I455 0.14 %
Jewish (Fucked-up) Foreign Policy and I454 0.14 %
Of DVT, Hillary Clinton and I454 0.14 %
लंडन ग्रंथटीका मम दधातू एतद ग्रंथमाला धन्यस्म्यह्म453 0.14 %
Alexander Cockburn, 71, no More453 0.14 %
मम रमभगिनी, रिता हेवर्थ, कल्याणमस्तु, शुभं भवेत! धन्यामहम!450 0.14 %
Republican Foreign (sic) Policy and I449 0.14 %
Thus Spake Uncle Sam, Oops, Auntie Hillary448 0.14 %
US (Fucked-up) Foreign Policy and I447 0.14 %
Iraq: A Disaster in Waiting, I think447 0.14 %
Guess who is coming to dinner, Madeleine Albright447 0.14 %
Mes chers amis Arnaud de La Grange, Stephen Kovacs. Je suis Sid Harth.446 0.14 %
Who Wants to be a Millionaire, Oops, Millionaire US President?446 0.14 %
Obama: Go Ahead, Makey my Day446 0.14 %
My Dear Barack Obama, I am Sid Harth445 0.14 %
Rand Paul: Thorn in AIPAC Side445 0.14 %
Penny Wise, Pound Foolish441 0.14 %
Stormin' Norman, Remembered441 0.14 %
My dear Mitt Romney, I am Sid Harth.440 0.14 %
मम सुहृद, Oops, बंधू, बराक हुसेन ओबामा, कौटिल्यावतारस्ती किम?439 0.14 %
Mitt Romney on Suicide Watch and I438 0.14 %
Michele Bachmann, (Who?)436 0.14 %
Seriously, Human Rights in Syria?435 0.14 %
Mitt Romney: The Heat is on, Politically Speaking434 0.14 %
My Dear Dana Hughes, I am Sid Harth.433 0.13 %
New Delhi, a Garbage Dump?432 0.13 %
Not so Private, Private Equality, Oops, Equity and I432 0.13 %
facebook fellatio and I432 0.13 %
Jack Jew, Oops, Lew to the Rescue432 0.13 %
Of Peace, Peace Corps and I430 0.13 %
My Sister Angela Merkel, Oops, Hannelore Kraft and I430 0.13 %
Trigger Happy Uncle Sam and I425 0.13 %
Guess who is coming to dinner? Iblis, Oops, Iran!425 0.13 %
Syrian Conflict: WW I to WW III?425 0.13 %
Sceince vs Religion424 0.13 %
Uncle Sam's Affairs to Remember, Oops, Forget424 0.13 %
Sunday in the Park With George, Oops, William E Shaub424 0.13 %
Of Plan-B, Grover Norquist Tryst and I422 0.13 %
European Trinity: Trade, Tourism and Confidence?421 0.13 %
Happy 75th Birthday, BSO-Tanglewood421 0.13 %
Goodbye Corcoran. Hollow, Oops, Hello commercialism.420 0.13 %
What does it matter, CERN Scientists?419 0.13 %
Give Egypt's Islamists a Break415 0.13 %
Mitt-Man's Foreign Policy Mess and I413 0.13 %
Monday, April 23, 2012 Elizabeth, Oops, Babe Wurtzel and I412 0.13 %
Happy 200th Year Anniversary, Brothers Grimm412 0.13 %
Madcap Maurice H Greenberg and I412 0.13 %
Counter, Counter Terrorism and US Terrorism411 0.13 %
Judge Robert H Bork, 85, no More411 0.13 %
P5+1 Heartache Over Iran410 0.13 %
The Rise and Fall of American Imperialism and I409 0.13 %
Pardon my French, GoFuCkYoMaMa!408 0.13 %
Hillary Clinton's HOPE DOPE and I408 0.13 %
India’s Superpower Euphoria CCLXXX, Revisited407 0.13 %
Sunday in the Park With George, Oops, Barack407 0.13 %
Mitt Romney: Red (Hot) White (Liar) and Blue (in Face)407 0.13 %
The Rise and fall of Conservatism in America406 0.13 %
Sunday in the Park With George, Oops, Ralph Waldo Emerson405 0.13 %
Rodney King, 47, no More404 0.13 %
Sid Harth to Mark Zuckerberg: "Screw U."403 0.13 %
My dear Madame, Oops, "la grande dame de la politique étrangère américaine, ancien secrétaire d'État," Madeleine K. Albright I am Sid Harth.403 0.13 %
अथ धर्माधर्मांधता, मदांधता, सत्तांधता, इति402 0.13 %
Madama Butterfly and I401 0.12 %
SiDevilIam, Oops, Foreign Policy and I401 0.12 %
Mon cher Les agences Figaro.fr Je suis Sid Harth.401 0.12 %
Of Mitt-Man, Post-Man, Oops, Port-Man and I401 0.12 %
Jewish Ghetto Humor and I400 0.12 %
Michele Obama Bashing Brigade and I399 0.12 %
US Exceptionalism, Real or Unreal and I398 0.12 %
Odyssey of the Mind, Hopeless at WH: Barack Obama and I397 0.12 %
A nice day to die for395 0.12 %
William Lee Miller. 86, no More395 0.12 %
The Wall Shit Journal and I: Sid Harth392 0.12 %
Gun Lobby Lobbed391 0.12 %
Dissolve Eurozone and call it Bureau-Zonked390 0.12 %
Conservatives, Oops, Socialists Win, I Think390 0.12 %
Rascals at Reuters and I389 0.12 %
Narendra Modi on Suicide Watch and I389 0.12 %
Stuxnet Saga: Same Shit, Different Day388 0.12 %
Binya Minckey Rooney, Jewish Paranoia and I387 0.12 %
Mitt-Man is a dead man walking387 0.12 %
Oh-Man, Middle East Muddle, Oops, Puddle and I386 0.12 %
Gaza: Israeli Hell Hole and I386 0.12 %
Of Peace, Steve Killelea's Piece and I383 0.12 %
AEI and I382 0.12 %
Eurokrise, Oops, AthenaCruise and I382 0.12 %
India's Superpower Euphoria: Sid Harth382 0.12 %
Of Fiscal Cliff, Buridan's Ass and I381 0.12 %
Boy-Billionare, Mark Zuckerberg and Eye, Oops, my Toy378 0.12 %
South China Sea Monsters, John McCain, Joe Lieberman and I377 0.12 %
Mitt Romney's Baptism of Fire, Oops, Love Fest?377 0.12 %
Joe Paterno's (Ghost), Alive, in Primetime?377 0.12 %
Undecided Voter Derby and I377 0.12 %
प्रायः तथा न स्यात् US (Fucked-up) Foreign Policy and I376 0.12 %
Of Energy, Foreign Policy and I376 0.12 %
Afghanistan, Massive Machinery and I375 0.12 %
A Mexican Star, Enrique Pena Nieto, is Born, Oops, Reborn374 0.12 %
Congress Stole Your Privacy374 0.12 %
My Dear Adam Levine, I am Sid Harth.373 0.12 %
Werewolf, Oops, Mitt Romney Howling373 0.12 %
Iran Nuclear Research Funny Games and I372 0.12 %
My Dear Christopher Clary, I am Sid Harth.372 0.12 %
The Wall Shit, Oops, Street Henninger and I372 0.12 %
Thank Heavens for Harriet Monroe371 0.12 %
Mr (presumptive friend of NAACP) Mitt Romney, Sir! I am Sid Harth370 0.12 %
Condi Rice, at What Price?369 0.11 %
Sol Sanders, Syria, Historically Speaking369 0.11 %
Good bye Rome, Oops, arrivederci Roma368 0.11 %
Erogenous, Oops, Euro-Zoneous and I am Sid Harth@webworldismyoyster.com368 0.11 %
NUIT: Elie Wiesel Mémoire367 0.11 %
Rick SanTotem and I366 0.11 %
Dumb and Dumber News From India366 0.11 %
CIA-Man, Morsi Wins366 0.11 %
Chinaman Cometh and Stayeth, I Think365 0.11 %
Thank GOD, I am Alive! Hallelujah! Shalome!364 0.11 %
My Dear Kathleen Hall Jamieson, I am Sid Harth.364 0.11 %
Quit-Mitt and I364 0.11 %
Romney-Ryan Honemoon: A Prequel364 0.11 %
"soldier-scholar-statesman?" एतद ग्रंथम क्षुद्रमस्ती. मा पठति.363 0.11 %
India: Goodbye Democracy, Hello Hindutva Dictatorship!363 0.11 %
My Dear John T. Bennett, I am Sid Harth.363 0.11 %
Barack v Vladimir and I363 0.11 %
Of Global Economic Crisis and I363 0.11 %
Cultural Jew, a Moronic Argument of Mitt, Oops, Damn Senor362 0.11 %
Hindu Morality Mess, Oops, Message361 0.11 %
Of Demon, J P Morgan's Dimon and I361 0.11 %
AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, DC., James Goldgeier, Gordon Adams, and I361 0.11 %
Hi Vladimir! ...and I am Sid Harth@webworldismyoyster.com361 0.11 %
Binya Minckey Rooney, Jewish Paranoia and I360 0.11 %
Claude Monet and I360 0.11 %
News, Views and Reviews: Sid Harth, Oups, Nouvelles, vues et commentaires: Sid Harth359 0.11 %
Mitt-Man's Foreign Policy Mess and I359 0.11 %
OBITUARY COLUMN: Mitt Romney, 65, DOA@webworldismyoyster.com359 0.11 %
Frederick Kagan is a Fraud358 0.11 %
किं भोः, एवं वदसि? किमर्थम? किम जोंग इल महोदय:357 0.11 %
facebook, GoFuCkYoMaMa!355 0.11 %
Memorial Day: God bless America.354 0.11 %
Chen Genghis Khan, Oops, Chaghez, Oops, Guangcheng354 0.11 %
Of Maureen Dowd Neocon Cons and I354 0.11 %
Paul "Krugmanian" Rajan and I352 0.11 %
Oops, There Goes the Neighborhood, I Think351 0.11 %
Mitt Romney on Suicide Watch and I351 0.11 %
Uncle Sam's Foreign, Oops, (Forbidden City) Affairs and I350 0.11 %
Iran Sanctimonious, Oops, Insane Sanctions and I350 0.11 %
Leave Putin Alone, I say349 0.11 %
Future of America? Bah Humbug!349 0.11 %
GOP Wolverines and I349 0.11 %
Frantic Fracking Fuckfest and I348 0.11 %
Mon cher Arnaud Rodier, Je suis Sid Harth.348 0.11 %
Starbucks Press Release: For Immediate Publication347 0.11 %
OBITUARY COLUMN: Binyamin Netanyahu, 62, no More347 0.11 %
G8@Camp David: Leaderless-Rudderless, Summit346 0.11 %
FP: The Long and Short of it?345 0.11 %

...and I am Sid Harth

1900th Post @elcidharth.com


वसुधैव कुटुंबकम

पश्यामि वसुधा करतलआमलकवत The World is my Oyster

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Binya Minckey Rooney, Jewish Paranoia and I659 0.33 %
My Dear Alistair Lyon, I am Sid Harth.658 0.33 %
Syria: What?639 0.32 %
Andy Griffith, 86, no More631 0.32 %
BofA Gone ToofA?631 0.32 %
Benghazi Ghosts and I629 0.32 %
Iran: Persians R Coming624 0.31 %
Of Gun Lobby, Morality and I624 0.31 %
Hindu Morality Meltdown and I613 0.31 %
Iran, Jewish Paranoia and I603 0.3 %
My dear Micah Zenco, I am Sid Harth.598 0.3 %
Checkmate...and I am Sid Harth@mysistermarilynmonr...597 0.3 %
Foreign wars: It's only money, ain't it?595 0.3 %
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Morsi Si527 0.27 %
Mitt Romney: Back to the Future Disaster@gosumerco...526 0.27 %
...and I am (not funny) Harth@webworldismyoyster.c...525 0.26 %
Guns Don't Kill520 0.26 %
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War With Iran: Israel's Death Warrant517 0.26 %
Hey! Hey! Bombay!515 0.26 %
My Dear Fareed Zakaria, I am Your Uncle, Sid Harth...511 0.26 %
Hello world!510 0.26 %
.Pew, Phew!...and I am Sid Harth@webworldismyoyste...508 0.26 %
Fucked-up Bolton, Forbes and I@webworldismyoyster....503 0.25 %
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Of CIA, Drone Assassinations and I494 0.25 %
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Japan: Sun Rises, I bet450 0.23 %
LIBOR: Capitalists' Nightmare449 0.23 %
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Morsi, More or Less, I guess443 0.22 %
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America's Immoral Terrorism and I435 0.22 %
Michele Obama Bashing Brigade and I435 0.22 %
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4 days ago

...and I am Sid Harth

The Hemlock Cup


The Hemlock Cup


Signed copies of Bettany's books & bookplates now available! Click here.

Read a review of The Hemlock Cup in The Washington Post here.

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We think the way we do because Socrates thought the way he did. His aphorism 'The unexamined life is not worth living' may have originated twenty-five centuries ago, but it is a founding principle of modern life. Socrates lived and contributed to a city that nurtured key ingredients of contemporary civilisation - democracy, liberty, science, drama, rational thought - yet, as he wrote nothing in his lifetime, he himself is an enigmatic figure.

The Hemlock Cup gives Socrates the biography he deserves, setting him in the context of the Eastern Mediterranean that was his home, and dealing with him as he himself dealt with the world. Socrates was a soldier, a lover, a man of the people. He philosophised neither in grand educational establishments nor the courts of kings but in the squares and public arenas of Golden Age Athens. He lived through an age of extraordinary materialism, in which a democratic culture turned to the glorification of its own city; when war was declared under the banner of democracy; and when tolerance turned into intimidation on streets once populated by the likes of Euripides, Sophocles and Pericles. For seventy years he was a vigorous citizen of one of the greatest capitals on earth, but then his beloved Athens turned on him, condemning him to death by poison.Socrates' pursuit of personal liberty is a vibrant story that Athens did not want us to hear, but which must be told.

Bettany Hughes has painstakingly pieced together Socrates' life, following in his footsteps across Greece and Asia Minor, and examining the new archaeological discoveries that shed light on his world. In The Hemlock Cup she reveals the human heart of the man, and relates a story that is as relevant now as it has ever been.


The Hemlock Cup is launched in the UK, USA, and internationally - after ten years of research, five years of writing, this book investigates Socrates’story and his mission to identify what it is that constitutes a ‘good life’. To pull together the evidence for this account Bettany has travelled across Central Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean. The latest archaeology from Athens and beyond is examined. Socrates’ key questions – what is the place of money in a society, what is virtue, can goodness be taught, what is the point of city walls and warships and glittering statues if we are not happy are as relevant now as they were 24 centuries ago. Enjoy!

Great news! The Hemlock Cup, Socrates, Athens and the Search for the Good Life is now a New York Times bestseller and has also just been shortlisted for the Writers' Guild Non-Fiction Prize.
We're really delighted with the press reaction to The Hemlock Cup and that it has been chosen as a Book of the Year in all the nationals and as Book of the Week, on BBC Radio 4. Please do give us your feedback (Socrates would have insisted on it), and please do spread the word if you can/are so inclined. 
The Hemlock Cup has been translated into Korean.

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...and I am Sid Harth

The Hemlock Cup


The Hemlock Cup: Socrates, Athens and the Search for the Good Life by Bettany Hughes – review

Bettany Hughes strives too hard to make the philosopher 'relevant' in this otherwise entertaining biography
Death of Socrates, David
Detail from The Death of Socrates by Jacques Louis David. Photograph: Alamy
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure does not tend to be rated as one of cinema's profounder treatments of the relationship between present and past. The story of two Californian slackers with a time machine who, for complicated reasons, have to assemble assorted celebrities from history in order to pass a high-school project, it is chiefly remembered for bringing Keanu Reeves to the attention of a mass audience. Classicists, however, will always cherish it as the only film ever to combine the music of Van Halen with Greek philosophy. When Bill and Ted embark on their quest, what should be their first destination if not classical Athens, and who should be the very first "historical dude" bundled into their time machine if not a bald-headed man in a sheet whom they persist in calling "Soh-kraytz "?
  1. The Hemlock Cup: Socrates, Athens and the Search for the Good Life
  2. by Bettany Hughes

Even to metalheads, then, the philosophy of ancient Greece serves as something that is both primal and emblematic of civilisation as a whole. Socrates, in particular, the "lover of wisdom" who insisted that the most fundamental presumptions of his countrymen should be subjected to experimental investigation, and who ended up being made to drink hemlock for his pains, has always been admired as the very fountainhead of rationalism. Yet when it comes to identifying what he taught and believed, there is a problem, on which Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, rather unexpectedly, puts its finger. Socrates, transplanted to 1980s California, can only communicate with his abductors by gesturing and gurning – since Bill and Ted, it goes without saying, speak not a word of ancient Greek. Even the miracle of time travel, it appears, cannot serve to alter what is, for any historian, a most awkward fact: that it is impossible to be certain of what Socrates actually said.
Like Jesus and, according to Muslim tradition, Muhammad, he never wrote down a word. As a result, it is exceedingly difficult to know anything definite about Socrates as a historical figure. True, we have extensive accounts of what he said and did, and granted, these were composed much closer in time to his execution than were the gospels to the crucifixion, or the first biographies of Muhammad to the death of the prophet. Proximity, however, does not necessarily spell transparency. No matter that the historical Socrates does indeed seem to have patented the dialogue as a form of philosophical inquiry, the surviving accounts of his conversation are very far from being a documentary record. Most of them – perhaps regrettably, from the biographer's point of view – were composed by a man who just happened to be the most influential philosopher of all time, and a supreme literary artist to boot. Write about Socrates with the aim of disentangling the man from the myth, and it is almost impossible to tell where Socrates ends and Plato begins.
This, then, is the treacherous bog into which Bettany Hughes, with her new biography of the snub-nosed philosopher, has fearlessly plunged. She writes as a historian, and her focus, as she is careful to make explicit, is not Socrates's philosophy, but rather how it "evolved in his time and his place". So it is that the life of her hero becomes a peg from which to hang a vivid depiction of Athens in its golden age, from the pinnacle of its greatness to the abyss of its ultimate defeat. To this end, all the talents honed by years of making high-class documentaries about the ancient world are formidably on display. Hughes's prose is the literary equivalent of CGI, re-creating for the reader a sense of the clamour and dazzle of the classical city that has rarely been bettered. Not only that, she is expert in knowing when to alter and vary her focus. Sometimes we are led by her through the streets of modern Athens, sometimes across an archaeological site, and sometimes down into the basement of a provincial museum, where rare treasures lie hidden. She spares no effort in bringing the world of Socrates alive. Describing Athens amid the death-agonies of the Peloponnesian war, Hughes comments that it "must have been reminiscent of Kabul 2002-10: ragged, war-torn, veiled women in the streets with no husbands, brothers or sons". Hers is an ancient Greece that is authentically cutting-edge.
All of which only serves to emphasise the degree to which her book is frustratingly like Hamlet without the Prince. The skill and judiciousness with which Hughes puts together assorted fragments of evidence when writing about Athens is bewilderingly absent from her portrait of the man who is ostensibly her subject. To include great chunks of Plato's dialogues as though they were the ipsissima verba of Socrates himself is cavalier enough. Even more tendentious, however, is the degree to which everything quoted appears designed to make him acceptable to the sensibilities of her readers. That Socrates was a great man is not in doubt; but he was not a great man because he valued women, had his doubts about slavery, or believed in the redemptive power of love. Just as Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure shows Socrates enjoying the local mall like any west coast teenager, so The Hemlock Cup gives us a portrait of him as a liberal Observer reader. Situated as it is in the midst of such a wonderfully rich and nuanced evocation of the city in which he lived, Hughes's Socrates ends up seeming, if anything, even more anachronistic than does "Soh-kraytz".
Tom Holland's most recent book is Millennium (Little, Brown). 

 © 2013 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved.

...and I am Sid Harth

The Hemlock Cup



The Hemlock Cup

Theexecution of Socrates casts a long shadow over Western history. The ancient Greek city-state of Athens, where Socrates made his home, was a tumultuous and frequently violent place, and the list of Athenians killed in political coups, internecine strife, and pointless foreign wars would be long indeed. But somehow the case of Socrates, who was convicted (by a jury of five hundred fellow citizens) and sentenced to die by drinking hemlock for what were, essentially, thought crimes continues to resonate in the modern consciousness. For Westerners with a sense of history, the death of Socrates continues to symbolize the insidious, ineradicable danger of democracy run amok. The event is both dramatic and traumatic, an original sin our civilization cannot seem to escape.

"Golden Ages are comforting," Bettany Hughes writes in The Hemlock Cup: Socrates, Athens, and the Search for the Good Life. "We love the thought that in the dim and distant past we achieved absolute perfection, and that if as a species we did it once, we can do so again. We want ancient Athens to satisfy our yearning for a fair, ordered, beautiful society. We want to believe that ideologies such as 'democracy,' 'liberty,' 'freedom of speech' have, at some time, achieved a perfect form. But—even though Athens was unique, wonderful—that is laying too great a burden on both Athena's city and on history."

The Hemlock Cup offers an account not only of Socrates's death but also of his life and of the life of the troubled and turbulent society in which he lived and died. The choice of a double subject, Socrates and Athens, is in part forced on Hughes by the lack of accurate biographical data about Socrates, particularly his early years—a situation that is exacerbated by the fact that he himself chose not to record any of his lengthy conversations with his fellow Athenians and, indeed, wrote nothing at all. But it makes sense, too, given how closely entwined his life was with the life of his city. "My hope," Hughes writes, "is that by looking at the shape around the Socrates-sized hole, at the city in which he lived—Athens in the fifth century BC—I can begin to write not quite a life of Socrates, but a vivid sketch of Socrates in his landscape; a topography of the man in his times."

She is right on both counts: what she offers is only a sketch (and one that features a fair bit of assumption, extrapolation, and at times outright guesswork); but the sketch is entertaining and satisfyingly vivid. The Socrates that emerges is familiar from previous accounts, but is no less compelling for that. Philosopher, husband, father, soldier, lover (despite his notorious ugliness), he shunned the accumulation of wealth but had a healthy appetite for the pleasures of life.

Aboveall he was, or tried to be, a loyal and dedicated citizen. The very behaviors that irritated his fellow Athenians, and for which he was condemned—casting doubt on common standards and ways of thinking, engaging (and hence 'corrupting') the city's youth in searching conversations—were in his view performed in the service of Athens, with an eye to making it a more virtuous society.  

The Hemlock Cup is a popular history, not an academic one: Hughes, whose previous work includes a biography of Helen of Troy, is not the least bit dry or stuffy, and she brings an appealing enthusiasm and capacity for delight to her work. She has spent a good deal of time in Athens, walking the streets and poking around in the ruins, trying to find spots where Socrates would have stood or experience echoes of what he might have seen or felt. "I have ground up hemlock," she writes at one point, "and it releases a nose-wrinkling sour smell. It also sparks a pain above your eyes and across the brain."  (It is tempting to imagine that it must have taken a certain effort of will to resist the urge she must have felt to actually drink the hemlock.)

Elsewhere she provides vivid and evocative descriptions of ancient Athenian technologies, including the kleroterion, the "proto-computer" used to select jury members, and the water-clock that measured the time prosecutors and defendants had to make their cases.

Such details help us imagine Athens as it must have been in Socrates's time. But ultimately the book may be most memorable when it reaches past that historical era to speak to something more universal: the tendency of democratic societies to give in to populist fear and resentment and to seek out and destroy those free thinkers who challenge the status quo. "Had political tyranny in fact been replaced by tyranny of the mind? Athens was trying to shore itself up, to build and build . . . Shamed by their defeats in war, confused by the freedom their own political system gave them, the Athenians from around 415 BC onwards chose oppression over liberal thinking." It was not so much a golden age, then, but an age that is worth remembering and contemplating, not only for contemporary philosophers and historians, but for anyone who values the democratic ideas bequeathed to us by our very human and, in their way, very modern ancestors.


...and I am Sid Harth

Elizabeth Robinson's NASA Scandal


Energy Department nominee struggled with financial management at NASA

Elizabeth Robinson, the woman President Obama has named to make the Energy Department’s oft-criticized contracting more efficient, is leaving behind a trail of spending questions in her past job as NASA’s chief financial officer.
A Washington Times review of NASA inspector general reports finds the space agency struggled to achieve austerity under Ms. Robinson’s financial leadership, as cost overruns grew sixfold from $50 million in 2009 to $315 million in 2012.

“Cost increases and schedule delays on NASA’s projects are longstanding issues for the agency,” the space agency’s internal watchdog reported last year.
Ongoing changes in the agency’s mission also led to billions being spent on projects that were later canceled, such as the Constellation Program and the Ares V launch vehicle that were designed to replace the space shuttle. Taxpayers spent an estimated $10 billion on shuttle replacement before it was scrapped in 2010.
The agency also has been dinged for smaller amounts of wasteful spending that provided some simple yet powerful symbols for taxpayer frustration.
Audits conducted during Ms. Robinson’s tenure as CFO uncovered that NASA spent an average of $66 per person per day for light refreshments at conferences, shelled out $1.5 million to develop a video game to replicate astronauts’ experiences and reimbursed employees $1.4 million for tuition dating to 2006 for degrees unrelated to their NASA jobs.
Ms. Robinson did not return a call seeking comment, and NASA, White House and Energy Department officials did not return repeated phone calls and email messages seeking comment on Ms. Robinson’s track record as NASA’s chief financial officer.
Mr. Obama nominated Ms. Robinson, a former White House budget official, this month to the job of Energy Department undersecretary for management and performance, filling one of the top jobs under new Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz. In her role, Ms. Robinson will be responsible for improving the management and efficiency of the department’s contracting and programs, including the much-criticized environmental management efforts involving the cleanup of old nuclear sites, Mr. Moniz told employees last week.
The energy secretary emphasized that Ms. Robinson’s role was specifically to improve the department’s contracting, spending and program management. “Right, wrong or indifferent in terms of how we are viewed, we’ve got to pick up our game in terms of management and performance,” Mr. Moniz told employees.
Separately, NASA’s own website credits Ms. Robinson for her stewardship of the budget.
“Through her leadership, Robinson ensures the financial health of the organization, including responsibility for ensuring that NASA resources are effectively employed toward the achievement of NASA’s strategic plan,” the NASA biography for its CFO says.
NASA’s inspector general, however, routinely gave the space agency poor marks for efficiency during Ms. Robinson’s tenure. An audit this spring, in fact, found NASA didn’t even know how much it had spent on information technology security and couldn’t account for all of its computer equipment because it was so decentralized in spending.
“While other federal agencies are moving toward a centralized IT structure under which a senior manager has ultimate decision authority over IT budgets and resources, NASA continues to operate under a decentralized model that relegates decision making about critical IT issues to numerous individuals across the agency,” the inspector general reported in June. “As a result, NASA’s current IT governance model weakens accountability and does not ensure that IT assets across the agency are cost effective and secure.”
NASA officials promised to improve the IT spending after the stinging report, but often have tried to justify their cost overruns by blaming the unique challenges of exploring space.
Ms. Robinson did, however, get good grades for record-keeping. The NASA inspector general said the agency’s financial documents were organized and complete — a marked improvement from before her tenure when inspectors said they often couldn’t audit the department because of problems with paperwork.
Although NASA’s effort to replace the Hubble Space Telescope with the Webb telescope has run millions of dollars over budget, the inspector general did credit the agency for spending a $75 million Recovery Act grant wisely to speed along the project and keep 450 people employed.
Still, NASA’s overall financial and contract management got poor grades in several audits during Ms. Robinson’s tenure. “The agency’s cost-tracking processes cannot account for all conference-related costs and that planners did not consistently conduct required cost comparisons of possible conference sites,” one report from this month concluded.
An overview of NASA financial management in September concluded, “Consistently managing the agency’s science and space exploration projects to meet cost, schedule and performance goals has remained elusive.”
A report from April excoriated the agency for awarding a $42 million contract for energy savings at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, saying officials couldn’t verify the cost savings claimed by the contractor but nonetheless paid out the money.
Ms. Robinson will face equally daunting challenges at the Energy Department, which was battered during Secretary Steven Chu’s tenure for everything from poor security at nuclear laboratories to poor vetting of clean-energy loan recipients such as the Solyndra solar panel maker that later failed at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars to taxpayers.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/jul/23/energy-department-nominee-struggled-with-financial/#ixzz2ZyQPv6SG
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    Triangulum Andromeda4 hours ago

    We already know Obama has no idea how to select a professional as he picks an idiot every time.
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    Masmani4 hours ago

    Everyone who screws America is rewarded by 0bama!
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      going1234 Masmani2 hours ago

      Heck, don't you have to be a tax cheat to lead the treasury?
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      fastboat Masmani2 hours ago

      Obama has no shame and he knows he can get away with just about anything, including those things bordering on, if not, outright criminal. The Republican leadership is afraid to go after him (they'll be called racists or undergo years of IRS audits) and Erica Holder is HIS man at the DOJ to make sure everything is always "under investigation" so they can't discuss it. But the investigation always dies on the vine e.g., Fast & Furious, Benghazi, AP records probe, IRS scandal, Solyndra, etc.
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    jdbixii4 hours ago

    Education is a travesty because a diploma is mere license to experiment or practice. What is perfect, if practice makes it?
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    3014 hours ago

    Cost overruns? It takes a lot of money for that Muslim Outreach program.
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    johnthebeloved4 hours ago

    "Energy Department nominee struggled with financial management at NASA"
    Well, ah'll be hornswaggled! You mean Hussein I would pick someone incompetent to head a Federal agency? Nawh, I don' believe it.
    Get a grip, my conservative brothers and sisters, unless and until a majority of Americans truly desire a return to Constitutional America, that "shining light upon a hill," of which Jesus spoke, and Ronald Reagan invoked as an ideal upon which to focus, is nothing more than the dream that took thousands of years to accomplish, and died after a couple of hundred years. In truth, the collapse of the Constitutional United States of America began formally with the non-cuddly Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt's Progressive Party, and has been pushed, pulled, cajoled, poked, and whipped into existence by his successors, the Progressives.
    With such Marxist/Leninist/Chevezist/Castroist/et alia Commucrats as were voted into office in with Hussein I, TWICE, clearly those Americans who cherish the memory of the Grand Experiment are a dwindling breed, and will be utterly gone in another 15 years, replaced by the fearful, brainwashed minions of "Big Brother."
    It remains necessary to add this caveat to all my comments: As some of you already know from previous comments by me, particularly the Commucrat trollers, and other Progressives, if you feel utterly COMPELLED to "Reply" to my comments, with mindless repetition of socialistic and oligarchic rodomontade and fabrication, you will simply have to wonder as to whether you caused me hurt, or anger, or to double over with laughter at your insipid, tripe (hint, certainly the latter likelihood), as I shall not honour such by responding. For any of my fellow conservatives who might wish to agree with me in a "Reply," do not feel slighted if I do not respond, for I no longer read Disqus messages, as they are 99% inane drivel and hate-filled, negative criticism.
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    ...and I am Sid Harth

Rene Descarte, 1596-1650

Rene Descartes
1596 - 1650
Rene Descartes was born on March 31, 1596, in Touraine, France. He was entered into Jesuit College at the age of eight, where he studied for about eight years. He was said to be in such delicate health that he was allowed to remain in bed until late every morning. However, he did study the classics, logic and philosophy. Out of all of these, Descartes only found mathematics to be satisfactory in reaching the truth of the science of nature. Descartes spent several more years in Paris studying mathematics with friends, such as Mersenne. He then received a law degree in 1616. At that point in time, a man that held that type of education either joined the army or the church. Descartes chose to join the army of a nobleman in 1617.
While serving, Descartes came across a certain geometrical problem that had been posed as a challenge to the entire world to solve. Upon solving the problem in only a few hours, he had met a man named Isaac Beeckman, a Dutch scientist. This would turn out to be a long friendship. Since becoming aware of his mathematical abilities, the life of the army was unacceptable to Descartes. However, he remained a soldier upon the influence of his family and tradition.
In 1621, Descartes resigned from the army and traveled extensively for five years. During this period, he continued studying pure mathematics. Then in 1626, he settled in Paris where he found himself constructing optical (eye) instruments. Finally, in 1628, he devoted his life to seeking the truth about the science of nature.
At that point, he moved to Holland. He remained there for twenty years, dedicating his time to philosophy and mathematics. During this time, Descartes had his work "Meditations on First Philosophy" published. It was in this work that he introduced the famous phrase "I think, therefore I am." Descartes hoped to use this statement to find truth by the use of reason. He sought to take complex ideas and break them down into simpler ones that were clear.
Descartes believed that mathematics was the only thing that is certain or true. Therefore, it could be used to reason the complex ideas of the universe into simpler ideas that were true. So, Descartes continued working in mathematics.
In 1638, La Geometrie was published. This work was responsible for making Descartes famous in mathematics history, because it was the invention of analytical geometry. Analytical geometry is basically applying algebra to geometry. Although this had been done before by other mathematicians earlier in the history of mathematics, Descartes introduced this theory about determining a point in a plane by pairs of real numbers (ordered pairs). This is known as the Cartesian Plane.
In 1649, Descartes was invited by the Queen to Sweden to work on mathematics. It is said that the Queen wanted to work on mathematics at an early hour in the mornings. Thus, Descartes had to rise early to reach the palace. Due to the cold climate, he developed pneumonia after just a few months and died on February 11, 1650.
Contributed by Lanetta Burdette

  1. http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Descartes.html
  2. E S Haldane. Descartes: His Life and Times (1966).
  3. J Ree. Descartes (1974).
  4. J R Vrooman. Rene Descartes: A Biography (1970).
  5. http://www.maths.tcd.ie/pub/HistMath/People/Descartes/RouseBall/RB_Descartes.html
  6. W. W. Rouse Ball. A Short Account of the History of Mathematics (4th edition, 1908). 
  7.  http://www.math.wichita.edu/history/men/descartes.html
  8. ...and I am Sid harth
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